Whereupon the damsel sprang up and throwing herself at my feet,kissed them and said,'It is thine to excuse,O my Master! By Allah,I knew not thy quality nor heard I ever the like of this performance!'And all began extolling me and making much of me,being beyond measure delighted'and at last they besought me to sing again.So I sang a merry air,whereupon they all became drunken with music and wine,their wits left them and they were carried off to their homes,while I abode alone with the host and the girl.He drank some cups with me and then said,'O my lord,my life hath been lived in vain for that I have not known the like of thee till the present.Now,by Allah,tell me who thou art,that I may ken who is the cup-companion whom Allah hath bestowed on me this night.'At first I returned him evasive answers and would not tell him my name; but he conjured me till I told him who I was,whereupon he sprang to his feet'--And Shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased saying her permitted say.
When it was the Three Hundred and Forty-seventh Night,She said,It hath reached me,O auspicious King,that Ibrahim son of Al-Mahdi continued: 'Now when the housemaster heard my name he sprang to his feet and said,'Indeed I wondered that such gifts should belong to any but the like of thee; and Fortune hath done me a good turn for which I cannot thank her too much.But,haply,this is a dream; for how could I hope that one of the Caliphate house should visit my humble home and carouse with me this night?'I conjured him to be seated; so he sat down and began to question me as to the cause of my visit in the most courteous terms.So I told him the whole affair,first and last,hiding naught,and said to him,'Now as to the food I have had my will,but of the hand and wrist I have still to win my wish.'Quoth he,'Thou shalt have thy desire of the hand and wrist also,Inshallah!'Then said he to the slave-girl,'Ho,such an one,bid such an one come down.'And he called his slave-girls down,one by one and showed them to me; but I saw not my mistress among them,and he said,'O my lord,there is none left save my mother and sister; but,by Allah,I must needs have them also down and show them to thee.'So I marvelled at his courtesy and large heartedness and said,'May I be thy sacrifice! Begin with the sister;'and he answered,'With joy and goodwill.'So she came down and he showed me her hand and behold,she was the owner of the hand and wrist.Quoth I,'Allah make me thy ransom! this is the damsel whose hand and wrist I saw at the lattice.'Then he sent his servants without stay or delay for witnesses and bringing out two myriads[411] of gold pieces,said to the witnesses,'This our lord and master,Ibrahim son of Al-Mahdi,paternal-uncle of the Commander of the Faithful,seeketh in marriage my sister such an one; and I call you to witness that I give her in wedlock to him and that he hath settled upon her ten thousand dinars.'And he said to me,'I give thee my sister in marriage,at the portion aforesaid.''I consent,'answered I,'and am herewith content.'Whereupon he gave one of the bags to her and the other to the witnesses,and said to me,'O our lord,I desire to adorn a chamber for thee,where thou mayst sleep with thy wife.'But I was abashed at his generosity and was ashamed to lie with her in his house; so I said,'Equip her and send her to my place.'And by thy being,O Commander of the Faithful,he sent me with her such an equipage that my house,for all its greatness,was too strait to hold it! And I begot on her this boy that standeth in thy presence.'Then Al-Maamun marvelled at the man's generosity and said,'Gifted of Allah is he! Never heard I of his like.'And he bade Ibrahim bin al-Mahdi bring him to court,that he might see him.He brought him and the Caliph conversed with him; and his wit and good breeding so pleased him that he made him one of his chief officers.And Allah is the Giver,the Bestower! Men also relate the tale of THE WOMAN WHOSE HANDS WERE CUT OFF FOR GIVING ALMS TO THE POOR.
A certain King once made proclamation to the people of his realm saying,'If any of you give alms of aught,I will verily and assuredly cut off his hand;'wherefore all the people abstained from alms-deed,and none could give anything to any one.Now it chanced that one day a beggar accosted a certain woman (and indeed hunger was sore upon him),and said to her,'Give me an alms'--And Shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased to say her permitted say.
When it was Three Hundred and Forty-eighth Night She said,It hath reached me,O auspicious King,that,quoth the beggar to the woman,'Give me an alms however small.'But she answered him,'How can I give thee aught,when the King cutteth off the hands of all who give alms?'Then he said,'I conjure thee by Allah Almighty,give me an alms;'so when he adjured her by the Holy Name of Allah,she had ruth on him and gave him two scones.The King heard of this; whereupon he called her before him and cut off her hands,after which she returned to her house.
Now it chanced after a while that the King said to his mother,'I have a mind to take a wife; so do thou marry me to a fair woman.'