[524]Arab.'Khak-bak,'an onomatopoeia like our flip-flap and a host of similar words.This profaning a Christian Church which contained the relics of the Virgin would hugely delight the coffee-house habitues,and the Egyptians would be equally flattered to hear that the son of a Cairene merchant had made the conquest of a Frankish Princess Royal.That he was an arrant poltroon mattered very little,as his cowardice only set of his charms.
[525]i.e.after the rising up of the dead.
[526]Arab.'Nafisah,'the precious one i.e.the Virgin.
[527]Arab.'Nakus,'a wooden gong used by Eastern Christians which were wisely forbidden by the early Moslems.
[528]i.e.a graceful,slender youth.
[529]There is a complicatd pun in this line: made by splitting the word after the fashion of punsters.'Zarbu'l-Nawakisi'= the striking of the gongs,and'Zarbu'l Nawa;Kisi = striking the departure signal: decide thou (fem.addressed to the Nafs,soul or self)'I have attempted a feeble imitation.
[530]The modern Italian term of the venereal finish.
[531]Arab.'Najm al-Munkazzi,'making the envious spy one of the prying Jinns at whom is launched the Shihab or shooting-star by the angels who prevent them listening at the gates of Heaven.See vol.i.224.
[532]Arab.'Sanduk al-Nuzur,'lit.'the box of vowed oblations.'This act of sacrilege would find high favour with the auditory.
[533]The night consisting like the day of three watches.See vol.i.
[534]Arab.'Al-Khaukhah,'a word now little used.
[535]Arab.'Namusiyah,'lit.mosquito curtains.
[536]Arab.'Jawawshiyah,'see vol.ii.49.
[537]Arab.'Kayyimah,'the fem.of'Kayyim,'misprinted'Kayim'in vol.ii.93.
[538]i.e.hadst thou not disclosed thyself.He has one great merit in a coward of not being ashamed for his cowardice;and this is a characteristic of the modern Egyptian,whose proverb is,'He ran away,Allah shame him! is better than,He was slain;Allah bless him!'
[539]Arab.'Ahjar al-Kassarin'nor forgotten.In those days ships anchored in the Eastern port of Alexandria which is now wholly abandoned on account of the rocky bottom and the dangerous'Levanter,'which as the Gibraltar proverb says 'Makes the stones canter.'
[540]Arab.'Hakk'= rights,a word much and variously used.
To express the possessive'mine'a Badawi says'Hakki'(pron.
Haggi) and'Lili;'a Syrian'Shiti'for Shayyati,my little thing or'taba'i'my dependent;an Egyptian'Bita' i'my portion and a Maghribi'M'ta'i'and'diyyali'(di allazi li = this that is to me).Thus'mine'becomes a shibboleth.
[541]i.e.The'Good for nothing,'the'Bad'un;'not some forgotten ruffian of the day,but the hero of a tale antedating The Nights in their present form.See Terminal Essay,x.ii.
[542]i.e.Hoping to catch Nur al-Din.