The moon is Sultan of the night and the sun Sultan of the day,and they vie with one another in their courses and follow each other in uninterrupted succession. Quoth God the Most High'It befits not that the sun overtake the moon nor that the night prevent the daybut each glides in [its own] sphere.'
(Q.)'When the day comethwhat becomes of the nightand what of the daywhen the night cometh?'(A.)'He maketh the night to enter into the day and the day into the night.'(Q.)
'Enumerate to me the mansions of the moon.'(A.)'They are eight-and-twenty in numberto witSheretanButainThureya,DeberanHecaihHenaihDhiraaNethrehTerfJebhehZubreh,SerfehAwwaaSimak and GhefrZubaniyaIklilKelbShauleh,Naa茂mBeldehSaad edh DhabihSaad el BulaaSaad el Akhbiyeh,Saad es SuwoudFergh the Former and Fergh the Latter and Rishaa.
They are disposed in the order of the letters of the alphabet,according to their numerical powerand there are in them secret virtues which none knoweth save God(glorifiedand exalted be He)and those who are firmly stablished in science. They are divided among the twelve signs of the Zodiacin the ratio of two mansions and a third of a mansion to each sign. Thus Sheretan,Butain and one-third of Thureya belong to Ariesthe other two-thirds of ThureyaDeberan and two thirds of Hecaih to Taurus,the other third of HecaihHenaih and Dhiraa to GeminiNethreh,Terfand a third of Jebheh to Cancerthe other two-thirds of JebhehZubreh and two-thirds of Serfeh to Leothe other third of SerfehAwwaa and Simak to VirgoGhefrZubaniya and one-third of Iklil to Librathe other two-thirds of IklilKelb and two-thirds of Shauleh to Scorpiothe other third of ShaulehNaa茂m and Beldeh to SagittariusSaad edh DhabihSaad el Bulaa and one-third of Saad es Suwoud to Capricornthe other two-thirds of Saad es SuwoudSaad el Akbiyeh and two-thirds of Fergh the Former to Aquariusthe other third of Fergh the FormerFergh the Latter and Rishaa to Pisces.'(Q.)'Tell me of the planets and their naturesalso of their sojourn in the signs of the Zodiactheir aspectsfavourable and sinistertheir houses,ascendants and descendants.'(A.)'The sitting is narrow [for so comprehensive a matter]but they are seven in numberto witthe sunthe moonMercuryVenusMarsJupiter and Saturn. The sun is hot and drysinister in conjunction,favourable in oppositionand abides thirty days in each sign.
The moon is cold and moistfavourable of aspectand abides two days in each sign and a third of another day. Mercury is of a mixed naturefavourable [in conjunction] with the favourable and sinister [in conjunction] with the sinister [asterisms],and abides in each sign seventeen and a half days. Venus is temperatefavourable and abides in each sign five-and-twenty days. Mars is sinister and abides in each sign ten months.
Jupiter is favourable and abides in each sign a year. Saturn is cold and dry and sinister and abides in each sign thirty months. The house of the sun is Leoits ascendant is Aries and its descendant Aquarius. The moon's house is Cancerits ascendant Taurusits descendant Scorpio and its sinister aspect Capricorn. Saturn's house is Capricorn and Aquariusits ascendant Libraits descendant Aries and its sinister aspects Cancer and Leo. Jupiter's house is Pisces and Sagittariusits ascendant Cancerits descendant Capricorn and its sinister aspects Gemini and Leo. Venus's house is Taurusits ascendant Piscesits descendant Libra and its sinister aspects Aries and Scorpio. Mercury's house is Gemini and Virgoits ascendant Virgoits descendant Pisces and its sinister aspect Taurus.
Mars's house is Aries and Scorpioits ascendant Capricornits descendant Cancer and its sinister aspect Libra.'
When the astronomer saw her acuteness and skill and heard her fair answershe bethought him for a device to confound her before the Commander of the Faithful and said to her'O damselwill rain fall this month?'At this she bowed her head and pondered so longthat the Khalif thought her at a loss for an answer and the astronomer said to her'Why dost thou not speak?'Quoth she'I will not speak except the Commander of the Faithful give me leave.'The Khalif laughed and said'How so?'Said she'I would have thee give me a swordthat I may strike off his headfor he is an infidel.'At this the Khalif and those about him laughedand she said'O astronomerthere are five things that none knoweth save God the Most High;'and she repeated the following verse: 'Verilywith God is the knowledge of the hour;He sendeth down the rain and knoweth what is in the wombs. None knoweth what the morrow shall bring forth for him nor in what land he shall die. VerilyGod is the All-wisethe All-knowing.'
Quoth the astronomer'Thou hast said welland by AllahI thought but to try thee.'Know,'rejoined she'that the almanack-makers have certain signs and tokensreferring to the planetsrelative to the coming in of the yearand in which are tribulations for the folk.'(Q.)'What are they?'(A.)