书城公版Volume One


Then he ordered his attendants to set Noureddin on the back of a muleand they said to the youth (for indeed it was grievous to them)'Let us stone him and cut him in piecesthough it cost us our lives.'Do it not,'replied Noureddin. 'Have ye not heard what the poet says?

A term's decreed for mewhich I must needs fulfilAnd when its days are spentI diedo what I will.

Though to their forest dens the lions should me dragWhilst but an hour remainsthey have no power to kill.'

Then they proceeded to proclaim before Noureddin'This is the least of the punishment of those who impose upon kings with forgery!'And they paraded him round about Bassoratill they came beneath the windows of the palacewhere they made him kneel down on the carpet of blood and the headsman came up to him and said'O my lordI am but a slave commanded in this matter: if thou hast any desirelet me knowthat I may fulfil it;for now there remains of thy life but till the Sultan shall put his head out of the window.'So Noureddin looked in all directions and repeated the following verses:

I see the headsman and the swordI see the carpet spreadAnd cry 'Alasmy sorry plight!Alasmy humbled head!'

How is't I have no pitying friend to help me in my need? Will no one answer my complaint or heed the tears I shed?

My time of life is past away and death draws nigh to me: Will no one earn the grace of God by standing me in stead?

Will none take pity on my state and succour my despair With but a cup of water coldto ease my torments dread?

The people fell to weeping for himand the headsman rose and brought him a draught of water;but the Vizier smote the gugglet with his hand and broke it: then he cried out at the executioner and bade him strike off Noureddin's head. So he proceeded to bind the latter's eyes;whilst the people cried out against the Vizier and there befell a great tumult and dispute amongst them. At this moment there arose a great cloud of dust and filled the air and the plain;and when the Sultanwho was sitting in the palace,saw thishe said to his attendants'Go and see what is the meaning of that cloud of dust.'When we have cut off this fellow's head,'replied Muin;but the Sultan said'Wait till we see what this means.'

Now the cloud of dust in question was raised by Jaafer the BarmecideVizier to the Khalifand his retinue;and the reason of his coming was as follows. The Khalif passed thirty days without calling to mind the affair of Noureddin Ali ben Khacan,and none reminded him of ittill one nightas he passed by the apartment of Enis el Jelishe heard her weeping and reciting the following versein a low and sweet voice:

Thine image is ever before methough thou art far awayNor doth my tongue give over the naming of thee aye!

And her weeping redoubled;when lothe Khalif opened the door and entering the chamberfound her in tears. When she saw him,she fell to the earth and kissing his feet three timesrepeated the following verses:

O thou pure of royal lineage and exalted in thy birth!O thou tree of fruitful branchesthou the all unstained of race!

I recall to thee the promise that thy noble bounty made: God forbid thou shouldst forget it or withhold the gifted grace!