书城公版Volume Seven


'Then quoth the Wazir,'Who among you is the Overseer of the market?'This is he,'replied they;and behold,he came forward and the Wazir observed him narrowly and saw him to be an old man of grave and dignified carriage,with eunuchs and servants and black slaves.The Syndic greeted them with the greeting of friends and was lavish in his attentions to them: then he seated them by his side and asked them,'Have ye any business which we[15] may have the happiness of transacting?'The Minister answered,'Yes; I am an old man,stricken in years,and have with me these two youths,with whom I have travelled through every town and country,entering no great city without tarrying there a full year,that they might take their pleasure in viewing it and come to know its citizens.Now I have visited your town intending to sojourn here for a while; so I want of thee a handsome shop in the best situation,wherein I may establish them,that they may traffic and learn to buy and sell and give and take,whilst they divert themselves with the sight of the place,and be come familiar with the usages of its people.'Quoth the Overseer,'There is no harm in that;'and,looking at the two youths,he was delighted with them and affected them with a warm affection.Now he was a great connoisseur of bewitching glances,preferring the love of boys to that of girls and inclining to the sour rather than the sweet of love.So he said to himself,'This,indeed,is fine game.Glory be to Him who created and fashioned them out of vile water!'[16] and rising stood before them like a servant to do them honour.Then he went out and made ready for them a shop which was in the very midst of the Exchange; nor was there any larger or better in the bazar,for it was spacious and handsomely decorated and fitted with shelves of ivory and ebony wood.After this he delivered the keys to the Wazir,who was dressed as an old merchant,saying,'Take them,O my lord,and Allah make it a blessed abiding place to thy two sons!'The Minister took the keys and the three returning to the Khan where they had alighted,bade the servants transport to the shop all their goods and stuffs.And Shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased saying her permitted say.

When it was the One Hundred and Thirtysecond Night,She said,It hath reached me,O auspicious King,that when the Wazir took the shop keys,he went accompanied by Taj alMuluk and Aziz to the Khan,and they bade the servants transport to the shop all their goods and stuffs and valuables of which they had great store worth treasures of money.And when all this was duly done,they went to the shop and ordered their stock in trade and slept there that night.As soon as morning morrowed the Wazir took the two young men to the Hammam bath where they washed them clean; and they donned rich dresses and scented themselves with essences and enjoyed themselves to the utmost.Now each of the youths was passing fair to look upon,and in the bath they were even as saith the poet,'Luck to the Rubber,whose deft hand o'erdies A frame begotten twixt the lymph and light:[17]

He shows the thaumaturgy of his craft,And gathers musk in form of camphor dight.'[18]

After bathing they left; and,when the Overseer heard that they had gone to the Hammam,he sat down to await the twain,and presently they came up to him like two gazelles; their cheeks were reddened by the bath and their eyes were darker than ever;their faces shone and they were as two lustrous moons or two branches fruit laden.Now when he saw them he rose forthright and said to them,'O my sons,may your bath profit you always!'[19] Where upon Taj alMuluk replied,with the sweetest of speech,'Allah be bountiful to thee,O my father; why didst thou not come with us and bathe in our company?'Then they both bent over his right hand and kissed it and walked before him to the shop,to entreat him honourably and show their respect for him,for that he was Chief of the Merchants and the market,and he had done them kindness in giving them the shop.When he saw their hips quivering as they moved,desire and longing redoubled on him; and he puffed and snorted and he devoured them with his eyes,for he could not contain himself,repeating the while these two couplets,'Here the heart reads a chapter of devotion pure;Nor reads dispute if Heaven in worship partner take:

No wonder 'tis he trembles walking 'neath such weight!

How much of movement that revolving sphere must make.[20]'

Furthermore he said,'I saw two charmers treading humble earth.

Two I must love an tread they on mine eyes.'

When they heard this,they conjured him to enter the bath with them a second time.He could hardly believe his ears and hastening thither,went in with them.The Wazir had not yet left the bath; so when he heard of the Overseer's coming,he came out and meeting him in the middle of the bath hall invited him to enter.He refused,whereupon Taj alMuluk taking him by the hand walked on one side and Aziz by the other,and carried him into a cabinet; and that impure old man submitted to them,whilst his emotion increased on him.He would have refused,albeit this was what he desired; but the Minister said to him,'They are thy sons; let them wash thee and cleanse thee.'Allah preserve them to thee!'exclaimed the Overseer,'By Allah your coming and the coming of those with you bring down blessing and good luck upon our city!'And he repeated these two couplets,'Thou camest and green grew the hills anew;And sweetest bloom to the bridegroom threw,While aloud cried Earth and her earthborns too'Hail and welcome who comest with grace to endue.'