Hence Koran,chaps. xcv. 1. The 'Miswak'is held with the unused end between the ringfinger and minimus,the two others grasp the middle and the thumb is pressed against the back close to the lips. These articles have long been sold at the Medical Hall near the 'Egyptian Hall,'Piccadilly. They are better than our unclean toothbrushes because each tooth gets its own especial rubbing'not a general sweep;at the same time the operation is longer and more troublesome. In parts of Africa as well as Asia many men walk about with the toothstick hanging by a string from the neck.
[306] The 'Mehari,'of which the AlgerineFrench speak,are the dromedaries bred by the Mahrah tribe of AlYaman,the descendants of Mahrat ibn Haydan. They are covered by small wild camels (?) called AlHush,found between Oman and AlShihr:
others explain the word to mean 'stallions of the Jinns 'and term those savage and supernatural animals,'Najaib alMahriyah'nobles of the Mahrah.
[307] Arab. 'Khaznah'=a thousand purses;now about ?000. It denotes a large sum of money,like the 'Badrah,'a purse containing 10,000 dirhams of silver (AlHariri),or 80,000(Burckhardt Prov. 380);whereas the 'Nisab'is a moderate sum of money,gen. 20 gold dinars=200 silver dirhams.
[308] As The Nights show,Arabs admire slender forms;but the hips and hinder cheeks must be highly developed and the stomach fleshy rather than lean. The reasons are obvious. The Persians who exaggerate everything say e.g. (Husayn Vaiz in the AnvariSuhayli):
How paint her hips and waist ? Who saw A mountain (Koh) dangling to a straw (kah)?
In Antar his beloved Abla is a tamarisk (T. Orientalis). Others compare with the palmtree (Solomon),the Cypress (Persian,esp.
Hafiz and Firdausi) and the Arak or wild Capparis (Arab.).
[309] Ubi aves ibi angel). All African travellers know that a few birds flying about the bush,and a few palmtrees waving in the wind,denote the neighbourhood of a village or a camp (where angels are scarce). The reason is not any friendship for man but because food,animal and vegetable,is more plentiful Hence Albatrosses,Mother Carey's (Mater Cara,the Virgin) chickens,and Cape pigeons follow ships.
[310] The stanza is called AlMukhammas=cinquains;the quatrains and the 'bob,'or 'burden'always preserve the same consonance. It ends with a Koranic lieu commun of Moslem morality.
[311] Moslem port towns usually have (or had) only two gates.
Such was the case with Bayrut,Tyre,Sidon and a host of others;
the faubourggrowth of modern days has made these obsolete. The portals much resemble the entrances of old Norman castlesArques for instance. (Pilgrimage i. 185.)
[312] Arab. 'Lisam';before explained.
[313] i.e. Life of Souls (persons,etc.).
[314] Arab. 'Insanuha'=her (i.e. their) man: i.e. the babes of the eyes: the Assyrian Ishon,dim. of Ish=Man;which the Hebrews call 'Babat'or 'Bit'(the daughter) the Arabs 'Bubu (or Hadakat) alAye';the Persians 'Mardumakichashm'(mannikin of the eye);the Greeks and the Latins pupa,pupula,pupilla. I have noted this in the Lyricks of Camoens (p. 449).
[315] Ma'an bin Za'idah,a soldier and statesman of the eighth century.
[316] The mildness of the Caliph Mu'awiyah,the founder of the Ommiades,proverbial among the Arabs,much resembles the 'meekness'of Moses the Lawgiver,which commentators seem to think has been foisted into Numbers xii. 3.
[317] Showing that there had been no consummation of the marriage which would have demanded 'Ghusl,'or total ablution,at home or in the Hammam.
[318] I have noticed this notable desertgrowth.
[319] 'The 'situation'is admirable,solution appearing so difficult and catastrophe imminent.
[320] This quatrain occurs in Night ix.: I have borrowed from Torrens (p. 79) by way of variety.
[321] The belief that young pigeon's blood resembles the virginal discharge is universal;but the blood most resembling man's is that of the pig which in other points is so very human.
In our day Arabs and Hindus rarely submit to inspection the nuptial sheet as practiced by the Israelites and Persians. The bride takes to bed a white kerchief with which she staunches the blood and next morning the stains are displayed in the Harem. In Darfour this is done by the bridegroom. 'Prima Venus debet esse cruenta,'say the Easterns with much truth,and they have no faith in our complaisant creed which allows the hymenmembrane to disappear by any but one accident.
[322] Not meaning the two central divisions commanded by the King and his Wazir.
[323] Ironice.
[324] Arab. 'Rasy'=praising in a funeral sermon.
[325] Arab. 'Manaya,'plur. of 'Maniyat'= death. Mr. R. S.Poole (the Academy,April 26,1879) reproaches Mr. Payne for confounding 'Muniyat'(desire) with 'Maniyat'(death) but both are written the same except when vowelpoints are used.
[326] Arab. 'Iddat,'alluding to the months of celibacy which,according to Moslem law,must be passed by a divorced woman before she can remarry.
[327] Arab. 'Talak bi'lSalasah'=a triple divorce which cannot be revoked;nor can the divorcer remarry the same woman till after consummation with another husband. This subject will continually recur.
[328] An allusion to a custom of the pagan Arabs in the days of ignorant Heathenism The blood or brain,soul or personality of the murdered man formed a bird called Sady or Hamah (not the Huma or Humai,usually translated 'phoenix') which sprang from the head,where four of the five senses have their seat,and haunted his tomb,crying continually,'Uskuni!'=Give me drink (of the slayer's blood) ! and which disappeared only when the vendetta was accomplished. Mohammed forbade the belief. Amongst the Southern Slavs the cuckoo is supposed to be the sister of a murdered man ever calling or vengeance.
[329] To obtain a blessing and show how he valued it.