
第50章 皮具(3)

Bally not only pioneered the realm of shoe making, but also the worlds of retailing and advertising. The first retail store opened in 1881 on Londons prestigious New Bond Street.

BALLY Today: Responsibility and passion

The Bally name became synonymous with highly functional, quality shoes and famously graced the soles of dancers, soldiers, pioneers, sportsmen and even astronauts footwear.

Sir Edmund Hillary relied on Bally hiking boots for his first ever Mount Everest climb in 1953. Even NASA collaborated with Bally for the creation of the sole that took the famous “giant leap for mankind” in the boots of Neil Armstrong during the historic first moonwalk in 1969.

Bally heralds its 160th year anniversary with a celebratory range of shoes and bags for men and women. These eye-catching creations speak of the heritage and craftsmanship of Bally, with a hint of contemporary wit.

simultaneously [saimlteinisli] adv. 同时地

astronaut [‘strn:t] n. 宇航员,航天员

eye-catching [‘ai,kti] adj. 引人注目的;显着的




不断创造全球奇迹的Bally创始人Carl Franz Bally,曾被员工亲切的称做“Bally 爸爸”。他的理念是:将优质精湛的瑞士传统手工艺应用于品种丰富的奢华皮件系列中,打造时尚耐穿,功能实用的产品。


巴利创造了年均390万双鞋的销售记录,这一惊人的数字也同时 激励着Bally始终将优雅奢华的设计概念融于产品中。




1953年,Edmund Hillary穿着Bally Hiking登山靴首次征服了珠峰。甚至美国宇航局(NASA)也于1969年同Bally合作开发了特殊材料鞋底,运用于阿姆斯特朗首次登月的太空漫步靴,完成人类历史上的巨大跨越。


4.(意大利)铁狮东尼 A.Testoni




创始人:阿米迪奥·铁狮东尼(Amedeo Testoni)





The young Amedeo opened his first workshop in 1929, after having learnt the secrets of the most important Bolognese craftsmen. In the 50s he improved the Bolognese production to fulfill his dream of creating the most beautiful shoes in the world. To make the dream come true, he has carried the real essence of Italian craftsmanship to luxury markets throughout the world.

A.Testoni secret construction

The shoe is made, kept in the shape and then deconstructed. The upper is firstly taken apart and then put together and sewed to the sole using a revolutionary process, entirely hand-made, patented by A.Testoni. The result is a shoe as light as a feather that guarantees at the same time a perfect foot isolation from hot, cold and humid weather conditions.

The Materials-In Search of Absolute Quality

The great variety of leathers used that ranges from calfskin to ostrich, iguana and crocodile, constitutes a continuous challenge and commitment. It is necessary to select the best leathers, test their resistance and find experts capable of hand-sewing complex materials that even the most sophisticated machines are unable to cut.

The Bolognese Construction

The Bolognese construction is the feature which best defines the handicrafts values of an A.Testonis shoe. A special lining of very soft goatskin - hand sewn to the upper - fits the foot like a glove and gives remarkable elasticity to the front part of the shoe, whereas the rear part presents a harder structure in order to support the heel correctly.

The Norwegian Construction

The peculiar braided stitching, also called “the chain”, that contrasts the upper is entirely hand-made with rough linen twine. This ancient process derives from typical mountain boots conceived to face the most adverse weather conditions.

The Spiral

Originally, the spiral was used to hide the twine utilized for the sewing of the shoe bottom. In this ancient technique, a thin ribbon of leather was wound around the twine after each sewing point. A detail , applied to the sole hem, is today a sort of trademark of production in A.Testonis shoes.

From the wheeling and stamping of the soles to the trimming of the edges, from the delicate procedures of antique and shaded polishing to the final brushing: hemming, assemblage and finishing can involve at least 200 manual operations in an A.Testonis shoe.

Old methodologies, unique competences, very rigorous materials selection, research for quality without compromises, technical and esthetical tension towards new and original solutions: this is the philosophy of a company that has in itself and in its history; the requisites for a continuous innovative development and for the international recognition of its products and Italian style.

calfskin [‘kɑ:fskin] n. 小牛皮

ostrich [‘:strit, -] n. 鸵鸟

iguana [iɡwɑ:n] n. [动] 鬣蜥蜴

crocodile [‘krk,dail] n. 鳄鱼

methodology [,meθdldi] n. 方法学,方法论



先将鞋子制作成型,然后分解开来,拆下的鞋面使用一种革新工序重新固定并缝合到鞋底上。该工序全部使用手工,如今已成为 A.Testoni的专利。通过这一方法制作出的鞋子如同羽毛一般轻巧,同时又将脚部与外部的炎热,寒冷和潮湿隔离。








原本是用于隐藏鞋底的缝线。在这个古老工艺中,一条极细的皮条交织于每一针针脚周围。这一细节应用到鞋底边缘之后,在一定意义上就变成了 A.Testoni制鞋的 “商标”。

