
第34章 化妆品(2)

在一个被普遍认为是颠覆传统的决策中,1994年,娇兰家族把公司卖给了奢侈品集团Mot Hennessy Louis Vuitton(LVMH)。尽管2002年之前Jean-Paul Guerlain仍然是公司的香水调配师,不过,自从1994年以来,陆续有其他香水被娇兰引入。




3.(日本)资生堂 Shiseido




创始人:福原有信(Arinobu Fukuhara)





The origin of the name Shiseido comes from a classic Chinese text, the “Yi Jing” (“Book of Changes”), which reads, “Praise the virtues of the great Earth, which nurtures new life and brings forth new values.” The company name expresses an “Oriental style, Western learning” way of thinking which includes the determination to create a new culture, build up a new business based on Western medicine, and a name inspired by Eastern philosophy.

Shiseido was born in Tokyos Ginza district as Japans first Western-style pharmacy in 1872, a time when herbal medicine was the norm. The companys founder, Arinobu Fukuhara, had been a chief pharmacist in a navy hospital. He founded Shiseido because he was displeased with the inferior medicine on the market and aspired to establish a system of separating medical and dispensary practice in Japan. Arinobu was 23 years old at the time.

Shiseido introduced Japans first toothpaste, Fukuhara Sanitary Toothpaste, in 1888. Tooth powder was used in Japan until then, which damaged teeth due to its rough grains. The toothpaste was smooth and did not damage teeth;On the other hand, it was scientifically designed to dissolve tartar and eliminate bad breath; and it was considered a novelty item. This led to gradually increasing sales despite costing about ten times as much as the tooth powder of the time. The navy was also glad to use it.

Shiseido stepped into the world of cosmetics in 1897 with the introduction of Eudermine. As its formula was based on the research of Dr. Nagayoshi Nagai of Tokyo Imperial University, who had studied at Berlin University, Shiseido aimed to use scientific methods to develop high-quality cosmetic products. In 1917, it began sales of “Hanatsubaki” perfume, the first such fragrance created by Japanese people. In 1919, it established the Shiseido Gallery, now the oldest existing gallery in Japan. The Shiseido logo written in Japanese characters was completed in 1927 and established a western logo in 1928. Since 1957, it expanded into the global markets.

The products Shiseido delivers to the world have to pass many tests from among around 1,000 quality tests. These include the raw material receiving test, which is conducted when the raw materials for products are received, the safety test to measure whether the products withstand use in harsh environments, the packaging test to measure the durability of the containers and boxes as well as the contents of the cosmetics, a test using the latest precision instruments, and the sensory test to check the texture by actually using it. Only those products that pass all the tests are delivered to customers. In over 140 years, Shiseido has developed high-quality products by providing products that exceed the expectations of Japanese customers, who are known to be the most exacting with regard to quality, and these products have earned the trust of customers around the world.

philosophy [filsfi, f-] n. 哲学

herbal medicine草药医学

pharmacist [fɑ:msist] n. 药剂师

tooth powder牙粉

durability [,djurbilti] n. 耐久性;坚固;耐用年限

资生堂(Shiseido )取名源自中文《易经》中的“至哉坤元,万物资生”,意为“赞美大地的美德,她哺育了新的生命,创造了新的价值。”这一名称正是资生堂公司形象的反映,将东方的美学意识与西方的技术及商业实践相结合,决心创建一种新文化,创建新事业,以西方医学和一个来自东方哲学的名称为基础。


1888年,Shiseido推出了日本第一款牙膏:Fukuhara Sanitary Toothpaste。在那之前,在日本一直使用牙粉,而其粗糙的颗粒会损害牙齿。牙膏是柔滑的,不会损害牙齿;另一方面,它还能科学地溶解牙垢、消除口臭;它还被视为一种新奇的物品。这使得其销售量逐渐增加,尽管花费是当时牙粉的十倍。海军也很乐意使用牙膏。

自1897年推出Eudermine,资生堂步入了化妆品世界。其配方是东京帝国大学Nagayoshi Nagai博士(曾在柏林大学学习)研究出来的,目标是以科学的方法开发高质量的化妆品。1917年,资生堂开始销售“Hanatsubaki”香水,这是第一款由日本生产的香水。1919年,建立了资生堂美术馆,是日本现存最古老的美术馆。以日语写出的资生堂LOGO于1927年完成,还在1928年创建了一个西式LOGO。自1957年开始,资生堂开始向全球市场扩展业务。


4.(美国)雅诗兰黛 Estee Lauder




创始人:雅诗·兰黛(Estee Lauder)





Founded in 1946, this technologically advanced innovative company has gained a worldwide reputation for elegance, luxury and superior quality. Through extensive research and stringent product evaluation, its products come with a promise to uphold the finest standards of excellence.

Estee Lauder founded this company in 1946 armed with four products and an unshakeable belief: that every woman can be beautiful. Today, more than 60 years later, that simple notion has literally changed the face of the beauty business.

Born Josephine Esther Mentzer, Estee Lauder was raised in Corona, Queens by her Hungarian mother Rose and Czech father Max. The name Estee was a variation on her family nickname, Esty. Always interested in beauty, she was mentored by her uncle, chemist John Schotz, and began her business by selling skin care products to beauty salons and hotels.