
第23章 世界名表(13)

In 2009, Patek Philippe launched its proprietary quality label for mechanical watches. The Patek Philippe Seal attests to the utmost quality of its timepieces, far above and beyond official standards, by integrating all competencies and features of relevance in manufacturing, precision and lifelong maintenance. The Patek Philippe Seal applies to the entire watch and is the only seal of quality that assures lifetime maintenance of the watch, regardless of the date of completion. It is governed by detailed regulations and an independent supervisory body. The Patek Philippe Seal embodies all the companys values and quality standards.


On May 1st, 1839 two Polish immigrants, Antoni Patek (Businessman) and Franois Czapek (Watchmaker) joined forces to found “Patek, Czapek & Cie” in Geneva.

In 1844, Patek met the French watchmaker, Jean-Adrien Philippe in Paris where the latter presented his pioneering stem winding and setting system by the crown.

In 1845, when Czapek decided to leave the company and to continue on his own, the company name changed to “Patek & Cie”.

Later, in 1851 when Jean- Adrien Philippe officially became associated with the company, it was renamed “Patek Philippe & Cie”, before changing once more in 1901 to “Ancienne Manufacture dHorlogerie Patek Philippe & Cie, S.A.”.

In 1932, the company was purchased by two brothers, Charles and Jean Stern, owners of a fine dial manufacture in Geneva. Since then, “Patek Philippe S.A.” remains a family owned firm.

In 2009, the company presidency was officially transferred from the 3rd to the 4th generation: Thierry Stern became president and his father Philippe Stern, Honorary president.

Patek Philippe watches are timekeeping instruments of a benchmark stature. They are also works of art which beauty reflects their mechanical perfection. To distill the best of an era and transform it into a timeless icon is the infinitely delicate task of Patek Philippes design experts. With their designs, they must evoke emotions that are as lasting as the movements themselves. From the first pencil sketch, to the finished watch, the objective is always to find the perfect balance between classicism and modernity. Only a design that is deemed worthy will bear the Patek Philippe signature. The outcome is timeless appeal, as evidenced by the sustained success of Patek Philippe watches at prestigious auctions.

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ancestral [nsestrl] adj. 祖先的;祖传的

distill [distil] v. 提取;浓缩

infinitely [infinitli] adv. 无限地

创立于1839年的百达翡丽,从未间断对日内瓦制表工艺传统的传承。作为日内瓦最后一家独立制表商,百达翡丽在设计、生产直至装配的整个过程中享受着全面的创新自由,打造出令专家交口称赞的全球钟表杰作——谨遵品牌创始人百达先生(Antoine Norbert de Patek, 1839年)和翡丽先生(Adrien Philippe, 1845年)的卓越远见。凭借超凡的专业技能,秉承创新传统,百达翡丽至今拥有80余项技术专利。




1839年5月1日,两名波兰移民,Antoni Patek(商人)和Franois Czapek(钟表匠)在日内瓦共同成立了 “Patek, Czapek & Cie”公司。

1844年,Patek 在巴黎巧遇法国钟表匠 Jean-Adrien Philippe。当时,Philippe 向他展示了利用表冠实现柄轴上弦和设置时间的创新系统。

1845年,Czapek决定离开公司自立门户,公司名称变为 “Patek & Cie”。

到了1851年,Philippe 先生正式加入公司,公司因此更名为 “Patek Philippe & Cie”。1901年,公司再次更名为“Ancienne Manufacture dHorlogerie Patek Philippe & Cie, S.A.”。

1932年,日内瓦一家高档表盘制造厂的Charles Stern和Jean Stern两兄弟收购了该公司。从此之后 “Patek Philippe S.A.” 一直是家族企业。

2009年,Thierry Stern先生出任总裁,而其父Philippe Stern先生担任荣誉主席,标志着公司管理权由第三代继承人正式过渡给第四代继承人。

百达翡丽腕表不仅是堪称行业典范的计时仪器,同样是杰出的艺术作品,其高贵优雅尽现机械工艺之美。浓缩时代精华并将其转化为永恒的经典,这就是百达翡丽腕表设计专家孜孜以求的目标。这些设计犹如经典机芯一般恒久流传,让人永难忘怀。 从第一幅铅笔草图到完成最后一道工序的成品腕表,目标始终是在经典与现代之间实现完美平衡,而百达翡丽的名字便是卓越设计的保证。正是这一设计理念造就了百达翡丽经典永恒的魅力,成为各大知名拍卖会上长盛不衰的珍宝。