
第11章 世界名表(1)

1.(瑞士)浪琴 Longines




创始人:奥古斯特·阿加西(Auguste Agassiz)





Based in the Swiss town of St. Imier since 1832, Longines is celebrating its 180th anniversary in 2012. The famous Swiss watchmaker can boast a technical expertise born of tradition, elegance and performance. With many years of experience as a timekeeper for world championships in sport or as a partner of international sports federations, Longines - famous for the elegance of its timepieces - is a member of the Swatch Group Ltd, the worlds leading manufacturer of horological products. The brand known by its winged hourglass logo now has outlets in over 130 countries.

In 1832 Auguste Agassiz entered the world of horology when he joined a trading office established in St. Imier. He soon rose to become the manager and the company took on the name Agassiz & Co. At the time, he was producing timepieces under the “établissage” system, whereby watchmakers worked at home and supplied their products to the trading offices. Agassiz built up a network of commercial contacts, which enabled him to sell his watches on other continents, in particular in North America. During the 1850s Agassizs nephew Ernest Francillon took over the running of the office. When Francillon took on this responsibility, he considered ways of perfecting the manufacturing methods used in watchmaking in the area. He concluded that it would be advantageous to try to bring together the different stages that go towards making a watch under one roof. Francillons intention was to set up a factory where he could assemble and finish each watch, introducing a degree of mechanization. In order to achieve this, he bought two adjoining pieces of land on the right bank of the River Suze in 1866 , which runs through the St. Imier valley. The site was known locally as Les Longines and he adopted this name for the factory which he built there in 1867. Ernest Francillon took on Jacques David, a young engineer who was also related to him, to help develop the machines needed for perfecting the manufacture of timepieces. During the 1870s, Francillons choice of industrial options was proved sound and the factory continually expanded until the first third of the 20th century: in 1911, the Longines factory employed over 1,100 workers and sold its products all over the world.

The technical research carried out at Longines was rewarded by various prizes which gradually gave the company its reputation of winning the most awards in international and world exhibitions until the 1929 exhibition in Barcelona, by which Longines had won no fewer than 10 Grand Prix. In 1889, Francillon patented a trademark comprising the name Longines and the now famous winged hourglass. Today, Longines is the oldest trademark or logo still in use in its original form registered with the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO). As early as 1867, Longines was using the winged hourglass symbol and the tradename “Longines” as a guarantee of quality in order to combat counterfeit products aimed at taking advantage of the reputation already established by the company.

championship [‘tmpinip] n. 锦标赛

hourglass [auɡlɑ:s] n. 沙漏;水漏

advantageous [,dvnteids] adj. 有利的;有益的

mechanization [,meknaizein] n. 机械化;机动化

World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO)


浪琴表于 1832 年在瑞士的圣耶米(Saint-Imier)创立,截至 2012 年,这一卓越品牌已历经了 180 年的辉煌。这所钟表世家拥有着集传统、典雅及高性能于一身的独特专有技术。作为世界锦标赛的计时员及国际运动联合会的合作伙伴,浪琴表以其典雅的钟表享誉全球,是世界领先钟表制造商 Swatch Group S.A. 公司的旗下一员。浪琴表世家以飞翼沙漏为徽标,业务遍布全球 130 多个国家。

1832 年,奥古斯特·阿加西(Auguste Agassiz)加入圣耶米(Saint-Imier)的一家贸易公司,进入钟表制造界,并迅速成为了阿加西公司(Agassiz & Co)的经理。当时,他依照“établissage”制表方式生产钟表,即制表匠在家中工作,然后供货到贸易公司。Aqqsiz大力拓展商业网络,成功将产品销售到了其他大洲,尤其是大西洋彼岸。19 世纪 50 年代,阿加西(Agassiz)的侄子奥内斯特·弗兰西昂(Ernest Francillon)接管了贸易公司的生意。在承担这所着名世家经营责任的同时,他也在思考如何对本地钟表业常用的制造方法进行改良。他准备对原本零星分散的制表步骤进行重组,将其全部整合在一起完成。弗兰西昂(Francillon)想要建立一家工厂,引进机械工艺,实现从组装到完工的各道流程。为了实现设想,1866 年,他在流经圣耶米山谷(Saint-Imier)的苏士河(Suze)右岸购买了两块毗连的土地。那里在当地被叫做“Les Longines”,于是,他 1867 年建立制造工厂时就以“Les Longines”对其进行了命名。 奥内斯特·弗兰西昂(Ernest Francillon)聘请了亲族中一位名叫雅克·大卫(Jacques David)的年轻工程师,协助其开发设备、改良钟表制造工艺及流程。 19 世纪 70 年代期间,弗兰西昂(Francillon)坚持的工业化选择取得了很好的实效,直至 20 世纪前叶,工厂均始终保持着不断发展壮大的强劲势头: 1911 年,浪琴表厂的员工已超过 1100 人,钟表产品畅销世界各地。

浪琴表专注技术研究、精益求精,截至 1929 年巴塞罗那展会,已在众多国际及世界博览会上揽获了十次以上的显赫大奖,堪当实至名归的“最荣耀”钟表世家品牌。 1889 年,弗兰西昂(Francillon)对浪琴表(Longines)名称及飞翼沙漏图形组成的品牌进行了专利注册。 如今,浪琴表(Longines)已经成为世界知识产权组织(WIPO)所有国际注册中历史最为悠久、未经任何修改的品牌。 早自 1867 年起,该钟表世家就将“飞翼沙漏”图形及“浪琴表(Longines)”名称作为非凡品质的象征,与那些试图盗用浪琴表声誉牟利的赝品进行着不懈的斗争。

2.(瑞士)天梭 Tissot




创始人:查理-艾米尔· 天梭(Charles-Emile Tissot)



天梭表品牌标志上的T是Tissot的首字母,亮丽的“红十字”是国际人道主义保护标志。最下方的“Swiss Watches since 1853”表示天梭表的开创时间。


From 1853 to the present day, Tissot has continually surprised and delighted customers with its product innovation. A relentless pioneering spirit led the company from its foundation in the small Swiss Jura town of Le Locle to a presence in 150 countries. From its first pocket watch with two time-zones in 1853 to its revolutionary touch-screen technology T-Touch watch, Tissot has presented a series of “firsts” in terms of technology, materials and design - even to the extent of creating watches made of rock, wood and pearl.