
第28章 闲暇聊天(2)


1934:你能帮我建立一个局域网吗?Can you help me set upa local area network?

1935:你经常在网上购物吗?Do you often shop on line?

1936:你能帮我在网上下载几首歌曲吗?Could you help me download several songs from the internet?

1937:你安装杀毒软件了吗?Have you installed antivirus software?

1938:你是用宽带上网吗?Do you use broadband internet access?


1939:你可以帮我在网上搜索一下吗?Can you help me do an internet search?


1940:你想找什么?What do you want to find?

我想找二次世界大战的信息。I want to find information on World War Ⅱ.

1941:你能更详细一些吗?Can you be more specific?

我想知道关于诺曼底登陆。Yes.I want to know about the Normandy Landing.

1942:这是关于诺曼底登陆的好网站。Here,try this one.It’s a good site about Normandy Landing.


1943:你究竟在找什么?What are on earth you searching for?

我在找关于黑客的信息。It’s something about hackers.



1944:我们国家的经济发展很快。The economy in ourcountry is booming.

1945:政府采取了很多措施来发展经济。The governmenthas adopted many measures to promote the


1946:现在日子好过了不缺钱,想买什么都可以。We areliving a better life now and we are no longer short ofmoney,so we can afford whatever we want.

1947:我觉得生活质量有了很大的提高。I feel the quality oflife has improved greatly.

1948:会有越来越多的人过上小康生活的。There will bemore and more people living a well-to-do life.

1949:近些年来,农村劳动力不断涌向城市。The ruralworkforce has been flowing into the cities in recent years.

1950:经济全球化是必然的趋势。Economic globalization is a universal trend.

1951:经济的发展还有很长一段路要走。There is a long way to go in the economy development.

1952:我相信我们国家二十年后将会变成发达国家。I believe our country will become a developed one in 20years.


1953:我们怎样才能使经济更有活力?How can we make the economy more vibrant?

1954:如果出现通货膨胀怎么办?What about inflation?

1955:通货膨胀导致更多人失业吗?Does inflation lead to more unemployment?

1956:通货膨胀伤害的是穷人而不是富人?Does inflation hurt the poor more than the rich?

1957:金融危机很快就会过去。Economical and financial crisis will soon go away.

1958:中国GDP保持稳定增长。China’s GDP keeps going upsteadily.


1959:你知道怎么回事吗?Do you know what happened?


He was caught playing QQ games at work and got theboot.

1960:现在很多公司由于经济危机都在裁员呢。Manycompanies are downsizing because of the economiccrisis.


1961:有人说2009年有工作就是幸福的。Some said that justbeing in employment in 2009is in hapiness.

是啊,金融危机使许多小资白领变成草根。Financialcrisis made many petty bourgeois become grassroots.

1962:工作辛苦收入又少,太囧了。To live with hard workand meager income is really “ORZ”.


be it.I have no choice but to postpone a couple of consumption plan.

1963:所以我一定要加倍努力争取升迁啊。So I am working twice as hard for promotion.

加倍努力。Working twice.



1964:尽管失业率不断上升,首相仍然获得了很高的支持率。The prime minister has maintained a high approvalrating despite the increase in unemployment.

1965:在进行机构改革前,有几个障碍必须克服。Thereare several hurdles to clear before structural reform canbecarried out.

1966:我不会支持一个好战的政府。I can’t bring myself tosupport a warlike government.

1967:米歇尔夫人及家人的访华推动了中美两国的友谊向前迈进。Michelle’s family’s visit to China has pushedthe friendship between China and America.


1968:世界各国能为实现中东和平做点什么呢?What can the world do to help bring peace to the Middle East?

1969:你怎么看美国轰炸阿富汗这件事?How do you feel about America’s aerial bombardment of Afghanistan?

1970:人们是如何选择应该投票给哪个政党?How do people choose which party or candidate to vote for?

1971:你投了谁的票?Who did you vote?

1972:你支持谁当总统?Who do you support to be the president?

1973:我不喜欢奥巴马的执政策略。I don’t like Albama’s political strategy.

1974:中国从来都是用和平谈判的方式来解决南海问题。China always solves the problems of South Sea by peaceful negotiation.

1975:埃及的局势很不稳定呀!Egypt’s current situation is very unstable.


1976:你们国家的政治体系是如何运作的?How does thepolitical system work in your country?


举。很多人称此为“议员”。We have hundreds ofconstituencies and the votes in each one elect a memberof parliament.Most people call them mp’s.

1977:每个议员都属于一个政党是吧?Each mp belongs to apolitical party,right?

绝大多数是,也有少数独立议员。Almost all of themdo.A few are independent.

1978:什么是内阁?What’s a cabinet?

是由大概25名议员组成的一个小组。This is a smallgroup of people-perhaps 25mp’s.

1979:任何一个议员都能制定法律吗?Can any mp make alaw?

任何议员可以向国会提出一项法律。被提议的法律需要通过辩论和投票。如果被接受,那么就可以成为法律。Any mp can present a law to parliament.The proposed law is debated and voted on.If it is accepted,it becomes law.

1980:我认为一项被提议的法律需要政治大党的支持。I suppose a proposed law needs the support of the big political parties.

是的。确实是这样。Yes,it does.