
第12章 旅游出行(3)



0708:我们刚好赶上了飞机。We just caught the plane.

0709:我担心赶不上转机班机。I’m anxious about myconnecting flight.

0710:请告诉我如何填写这张表格。Could you tell me howto fill in this form.

0711:我要订9月15号到纽约的班机。I’d like to make areservation for a flight to New York on September 15th.

0712:我想要确认我预订的机位。I’d like to reconfirm myplane reservation please.

0713:请出示您的护照。May I see your passport please.

0714:一旦找到行李请立即送到我停留的饭店。Pleasedeliver the baggage to my hotel as soon as you’velocated it.

0715:这是我带回中国的纪念品。This is a souvenir that I’m taking to China.

0716:这件物品你必须交纳关税。You’ll have to pay duty on this.


0717:是否可替我更换座位?Could you change my seat please?

0718:我是否可将座位向后倾倒?May I recline my seat?

0719:哪个是我的座位?Where is my seat?

0720:我能将手提行李放在这儿吗?Can I put my baggage here?

0721:可以给我一个枕头和毛毯吗?May I have a pillow and a blanket please?

0722:这班班机会准时到达吗?Will this flight get there on time?

0723:408次班机何时抵达?What time does Flight 408arrive?

0724:机票多少钱?How much is airfare?

0725:您此行的目的为何?What is the purpose of your visit?

0726:打扰一下,哪里是行李提领区?Excuse me ,where is the baggage claim area?

0727:行李遗失申报处在哪里?Where is the lost luggage


0728:我可以在哪里找到行李推车?Where can I get aluggage cart?

0729:他的耳朵痛,该怎么办?His ears are hurting.Whatshould I do?

0730:请给我一些晕机药好吗?May I have some medicinefor airsickness?


0731:你们可以提供哪些饮料?What kind of drinks do youhave?

我们有咖啡、茶、果汁、可乐、啤酒和调酒。Wehave coffee tea、juice、coke、beer and cocktails.

0732:您要在美国待多久?How long are you going to stay inAmerica?

我会留在美国一个星期。I will stay for one week.

0733:您有东西要向海关申报吗?Do you have anything todeclare?

我没有东西申报。I have nothing to declare.

0734:你这次旅行的目的是什么?What’s the purpose ofyour visit?


0735:有台湾回程机票吗?Do you have a return ticket to Taiwan?

有的,这就是回程机票。Yes,here it is.

0736:你带了多少现金?How much money do you have with you?

大约800美元。I have 800dollars.

0737:请出示你的护照。May I see your passport,please?

这是我的护照。Here is my passport.

0738:这是我的行李票。我找不到我的行李。Here is my claim tag.I can’t find my baggage.

请稍等一下。Please wait for a moment while.

0739:请描述一下你的行李好吗?Can you describe your baggage?

它是一个茶色小旅行袋。It’s a small ovemight bag.It’s light brown.

0740:这是什东西?What are these?

这是我的个人用品。These are for my personal use.



0741:我要退票。I’d like a refund on this ticket.

0742:祝你旅途愉快。I hope you have a good trip.

0743:你可以乘船游湖并在船上就餐。You can take a boaton the lake and have dinner.

0744:下个月我要乘船去美国。I am going to the UnitedStates by ship next month.

0745:当船进港的时候,我想观光一会儿。I would like todo some sight-seeing while the ship is in port.

0746:我要见船长。I want to see the captain.

0747:这艘船定于第二天早晨启航。The ship was due to sailthe following morning.

0748:船摇晃使许多人晕船。The swing of the ship makesmany people seasick.

0749:我不喜欢乘船旅行,因为我担心我会晕船。I don’tlike traveling by ship because I’m afraid of being seasick.

0750:我想乘船去那儿更舒服也更便宜。I think it is more comfortable and much cheaper to go there by ship.


0751:我坐船去需要预订吗?Do I need a reservation to go by ship?

0752:去上海的单程票多少钱?How much for a one-way ticket to Shanghai?

0753:你们有那天的票吗?Do you have any tickets available for that date?

0754:一张去那边的往返票要多少钱?How much does a round trip ticket to go there cost?

0755:船什么时间启航?What time does the ship leave?

0756:这艘船什么时候出发去上海?When will the ship leave for Shanghai?

0757:你能告诉我什么时候出发吗?Could you please tell me the departure time?

0758:我应该在哪里补票?Where am I supposed to pay the excess fare?

0759:入境处在什么地方?Where is immigration?

0760:海上旅行要比空中旅行愉快吗?Is sea travel morepleasant than air travel?


0761:可以在船上就餐?You can have dinner on the boat?

是的,还有音乐。Yes,and music.

0762:看,船上有一个音乐家在演奏传统音乐。See,there’sa musician on the boat playing traditional music.

看起来真不错。我们一定要体会一下!That looks sogood.We must try it!

0763:船在摇摆呢。你脸色不太好,是不是晕船了? The ship is rolling and pitching now.You look pale.Areyou seasick?

也许吧。感觉不舒服。Maybe.I don’t feel very good.

0764:暴风雨停了,海面也平静了。感觉怎么样?Thestorm is over,and the sea’s calming down.How do you feel?

哦,好多了!Oh,much better!