
第34章 阿兹特克——墨西哥文化舞台上的最后角色(3)

The city and the archaeological site are located in what is now the San Juan Teotihuacan municipality in the State of Mexico, approximately 40 kilometres northeast of Mexico City. The site covers a total surface area of 83 square kilometres . It is the most visited archaeological site in Mexico.






Arts:Song and poetry from the real thought of the Aztecs

Song and poetry were highly regarded; there were presentations and poetry contests at most of the Aztec festivals. There were also dramatic presentations that included players, musicians and acrobats.

A remarkable amount of this poetry survives, having been collected during the era of the conquest. In some cases poetry is attributed to individual authors, such as Nezahualcoyotl, tlatoani of Texcoco, but whether these attributions reflect actual authorship is a matter of opinion. Miguel Leon-Portilla, a well-respected Aztec scholar of Mexico, has stated that it is in this poetry where we can find the real thought of the Aztecs, independent of "official" Aztec ideology.

The most important collection of these poems is Romances de los senores de la Nueva Espana, collected, probably by Juan Bautista de Pomar. He spoke Nahuatl, but was raised a Christian and wrote in Latin characters.





Mestizos and languages:Nahuatl wordstraveled around the world

Most modern day Mexicans are mestizos, of mixed indigenous and European ancestry. During the 16th century the racial composition of Mexico began to change from one that featured distinct indigenous and immigrant populations, to the population composed primarily of mestizos that is found in modern day Mexico.

The Nahuatl language is today spoken by 1.5 million people, mostly in mountainous areas in the states of central Mexico. Local dialects of Spanish, Mexican Spanish generally, and the Spanish language worldwide have all been influenced, in varying degrees, by Nahuatl. Some Nahuatl words (most notably chocolate and tomato) have been borrowed through Spanish into other languages around the world.

Mexico City was built on the ruins of Tenochtitlan, making it one of the oldest living cities of the Americas. Many of its districts and natural landmarks retain their original Nahuatl names. Many other cities and towns in Mexico and Central America have also retained their Nahuatl names (whether or not they were originally Mexica or even Nahuatlspeaking towns). A number of town names are hybrids of Nahuatl and Spanish.


