
第16章 Letters from Heaven 天堂的来信





Charlotte and Katie's parents died within months of each other……but every birthday the sisters receive cards from their mother with almost unbearably touching words of guidance.

There is just a small pile of no more than half a dozen cards and a couple of labels1 from Christmas and birthday presents.But Charlotte Matalon produces each of the items from her Special Box,which she keeps beside her bed,as if they are priceless jewels.

She looks at the card dated October 1996.'My darling Charlotte,'she reads,barely needing to look since she knows it by heart.'I am writing this card because I have recently found out that sadly I will not be with you on your 10th birthday……'

Six weeks after writing this tragic message,Debra Matalon,Charlotte's mother died from breast cancer.She is just 35,but she has provided a unique legacy.

Before she died,Debra wrote a birthday card to each of her two daughters,Charlotte,now 11,and 10-year-old Katie.For them to open every birthday.It is this gesture which has helped the girls come to terms2 with their terrible grief3.

So far they have each received two messages from their mother.There are also a couple more cards in their sad little boxes.These are from their father Alan,sent while he,too,was in hospital,his body consumed by non-Hodgkin's lymphoma.Too weak to write,he just managed to gather the strength to sign a faltering4'Daddy'.

The girls,who now live with their grandparents,carefully store the cards back in their boxes and put them away.They each have My Mummy&Me and My Daddy&Me photo albums,which they scan5 while trying to grasp any fresh insight into their parents,or recall the lives they had as a family.

The cards Debra has left contain a mixture of practical advice for growing girls and simple statements of a mother's love for her children.Reading those words,the sisters feel,is to discover,that their mother seems to be still with them.

Both often think of what their mother has said in her card,'I want you to know that you have always been very special and I have and always will love you dearly6……'

After writing to Charlotte about growing up and the change from being a girl to a young woman,Debra adds,'Please have fun on your 11th birthday and remember Mummy and Daddy are always with you.'

Both girls have written letters to their parents in reply.Charlotte tells them about how she went bowling and about a trip to London Zoo.Katie has written how she will never forget her Daddy,'I know he's still with me.'

Writing about womanhood,Debra says,'I remember how embarrassed I was at the time,just remember that every single 10 to 14-year-old has gone through these changes,so don't be afraid and don't be embarrassed.'

Charlotte puts the card down.'There are times when I'd like to be able to ask Mummy things,'She says,'just things about life and what to do in a difficult situation at school or whatever.'

But she knows there are more cards to come.She doesn't know when or how many,but Debra has given a far greater legacy than her will could ever provide.'A present doesn't say what you think,'Charlotte says,'but a card does.'

And then she reads the words that echo more powerfully than any.'You are a wonderful girl and remember what Mummy and Daddy have taught you.Look after one another.Lots of love,as always,Mummy.'
















生词与短语 New Words and Expressions

1.label n.标签(记);称号

2.come to terms妥协,和解

3.grief n.悲伤,悲痛;悲伤的事,悲痛的缘由

4.falter v.(嗓音)颤抖

5.scan v.细看,审视;扫描;浏览

6.dearly adv.深深地(爱等)

妙语连珠:Beautiful Sentences

1)It is this gesture which has helped the girls come to terms with their terrible grief.


2)And then she reads the words that echo more powerfully than any.


