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Today's Diverse City Magazines Have Many Roles,Much Potential


Ernest C.Hynds



Today's diverse city magazines offer a variety of services for their readers and communities.Most provide information about lifestyles,food,travel,and entertainment,and most point out community needs.Many promote business and tourism,and some provide an alternative voice to that of the local newspaper(s).Most are privately owned and published monthly.Most make extensive use of free-lance materials.Most take stands on local issues through labeled commentary,and most believe their coverage and commentary have some influence in their communities.Most see the development of city magazines in smaller cities and increased coverage of local issues as possible trends in the field.These generalizations are based on a survey of city magazine editors and publishers conducted earlier this year.The paper based on the survey provides basic data on the magazines and discusses their roles,content,coverage of issues,possible influence,and trends.

City magazines have been described as shortcuts to status,survival guides for affluent city dwellers,and suppliers of everything worth knowing about local lifestyles and living.They have been called puff sheets for chambers of commerce and promoters of local business and tourism.But they also have been cited as watchdogs of local government and alternative voices in one-newspaper communities.All of those deions can be accurately applied to one or more of the modern city magazines.For example,New York has provided survival assistance,Philadelphia has investigated a variety of local concerns,The Washingtonian has provided noteworthy coverage of government,and San Diego has offered an alternative voice to the conservative newspaper in its community.Many city magazines have encouraged local business and tourism,and most have provided extensive coverage of lifestyles.Many similarities can be found among the magazines,yet each is tailored to a particular audience in the best specialized magazine tradition of the late 20th century.

This paper,which is based on a 1993 survey of editors and publishers,will look at city magazines in the 1990s.It will explore how they perceive their roles;their content,including coverage of issues;their perceived influence in their communities;and possible trends in the field.To place this information into perspective,it is necessary first to look briefly at the history and development of city magazines in the United States.It should also be helpful to review the major studies that have been made of them and published in popular and scholarly journals.