
第70章 The école Normale Supérieure: A model of elite edu



The école Normale Supérieure(also known as Normale Sup’, Normale, and ENS)was created in Paris in 1794, during the French Revolution, to train the nation’s future teachers according to the critical and secular spirit of the new Republic. In 1847, the école normale Supérieure moved to its current location on rue d’Ulm, on the Montagne Sainte-Geneviève near the Sorbonne and the Collège de France. Early on, the école normale Supérieure became home to elite research. In the mid-19th century, Louis Pasteur carried out his pioneering work within its walls. For decades, the ENS has been the most prestigious site of French intellectual and scientific life. It participated in all the great intellectual debates of modern France, from the Dreyfus Affair to the movements of the 1930s, and from the foundation of the human sciences to the avant-garde movements of the 1970s. ENS has a thorough selection process which requires hard work and willpower (with written and oral tests), excellence and prestige to train students to a high level, a rigorous and methodical mind and an original personality who will be the elite of society with a view to culture, scientific research (in sciences and humanities) and power. It has since developed into an elite institution which has become a platform for many of France"s brightest young people to pursue high-level careers in government and academia and symbolizes the independence of mind. The ENS system is different from that of most higher education systems outside France, thus making it difficult to compare; in particular, it is much smaller than a typical English collegiate university.

System: ENS has two main sections: Sciences (Mathematics, Physical, Chemistry, Computational, Biology, Geology, and Medicine) and Humanities (Letters and Human & Social Sciences: Literature, Latin and Greek, Archaeology, Philosophy, History, Geography, Law, Economy, Political sciences, Sociology, Psychology, Public Administration). ENS has a gymnasium but no sport section, but the university-sister of ENS-Cachan has a sport-section to train the elite of sport-teachers and even a design section.


critical [.kritik.l] a. 批评的,爱挑剔的;危险的;决定性的;评论的

secular [.sekj.l.(r)] a. 世俗的;长期的;不朽的

prestigious [pre.st.d..s] a. 有名望的;享有声望的

prestige [pre.sti:.] n. 威望,声望;声誉

rigorous [.r.g.r.s] a. 严厉的;严密的;严酷的

methodical [m..θ.d.kl] a. 有系统的;有方法的

elite [e..li:t] n. 精英;精华


巴黎高等师范学院创办于1794年,是法国一所培养教学和科研人员的高等专科学校。校址在巴黎,原名巴黎师范学校,是一所独立于法国公立大学主流框架下的高等教育师范学院。法国巴黎高等师范学院创立于法国大革命时期,其目的是为了培养具有启蒙运动时期的批判性精神和现实价值观的新的教师队伍。后由于政府更迭而几经改组、封闭。1808年,根据拿破仑一世的帝国敕令予以重建, 成为培养国立中学教师的学校, 1810 年开始招生。1845年改现名。1847年,巴黎高等师范学院迁到现在的地点维乌尔姆,这条街位于邻近索邦大学与法兰西学院的圣日内维吾山上。自此以后,法国巴黎高等师范学院发展成为一个精英学院,成为了许多法国最聪明的年轻人在政府机构和学术界高阶职位的平台。




All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.


Courtesy is the inseparable companion of virtue.
