Founded in 1495 by William Elphinstone, Bishop of Aberdeen and Chancellor of Scotland, Aberdeen is Scotland’s third oldest university, and the fifth most ancient in the whole United Kingdom. The university as it is today was formed in 1860 by a merger between King’s College (which had always referred to itself as the University of Aberdeen) and Marischal College, a second university founded in 1593 in Aberdeen city centre as a Protestant alternative to Kings College. There are two campuses; the main King’s College campus is at Old Aberdeen approximately two miles north of the city centre, around the original site of King’s College, although most campus buildings were constructed in the 20th century during a period of expansion. The university’s Foresterhill campus is located next to Aberdeen Royal Infirmary and houses the School of Medicine and Dentistry and School of Medical Sciences.
System: The university is divided into three colleges, which are further separated into a number of academic schools and other institutions (e.g. graduate schools, research institutes). These colleges are equivalent to faculties at other universities. The colleges include: College of Arts and Social Sciences,University of Aberdeen Business School,School of Divinity, History and Philosophy;Department of Divinity and Religious Studies;Department of History of Art;Department of History ;including Cultural History;Department of Philosophy;School of Education;Department of Education;Department of Music;School of Language and Literature;Department of English;Department of Language and Linguistics;Department of Film and Visual Culture;Department of Modern Languages ;School of Law;School of Social Science;Department of Anthropology;Department of Politics and International Relations;Centre for the Study of Public Policy;Department of Sociology;Graduate School. There are also a number of Research Centres and Institutes: College of Life Sciences and Medicine (School of Biological Sciences;School of Medical Sciences;School of Medicine and Dentistry;School of Psychology;Graduate School;Institute of Applied Health Sciences;Institute of Biological and Environmental Sciences;Institute of Medical Sciences);College of Physical Sciences(School of Engineering; Electrical & Electronic Engineering Professional Group;Chemical Engineering Professional Group;Civil Engineering Professional Group;Mechanical Engineering Professional Group; School of Geosciences: (Department of Archaeology;Department of Geography and Environment;Department of Geology and Petroleum Geology;Department of Spatial Planning and Rural Surveying;Graduate Studies); School of Natural and Computing Sciences: (Department of Chemistry; Department of Computing Science; Department of Mathematics; Department of Physics), College Research Centres:(Aberdeen Institute for Coastal Science and Management; Institute of Energy Technologies; Institute for Transport and Rural Research).
alternative [.:l.t.:n.t.v] a. 供选择的;选择性的
approximately [..pr.ks..m.tl.] ad. 大约;近于
Life’s like a play: It’s not the length, but the excellence of the act-ing that matters.
Education is a progressive discovery of our ignorance.