
第71章 职场应对(12)



There's only one real sin, and that is to persuade oneself that the second-best is anything but the second-best.

——Doris Lessing, Golden Notebook



To truly laugh, you must be able to take your pain, and play with it!

——Charlie Chaplin


—— 查理·卓别林

Lesson 80 调换部门


That team will have a reorganization. 那个小组将会有一个改组。

Vicky was packed off here. 维基被调到这里。

The temporary transfer is because of production and work need. 因生产和工作需要临时调动。

Our manager gave suggestion on the position arrangement and job transfer of the internal field employees. 我们经理建议内场岗位的人员安排和工作调动。

We should follow and perform production plan, organize staff in proper positions, shifts. 我们应该实施、执行生产计划,合理安排员工的岗位和班制。

The post salary system sets posts scientifically, appoints persons and defines their salaries according to the changeable posts. 岗位工资制度实行科学设岗、以岗定薪。

We often have large-scale recruitment. 我们经常有大规模的招聘。

How to develop the post advantage is a grim problem for enterprises under the knowledge-based economy. 如何发挥岗位优势是知识经济条件下每个企业所面临的严峻问题。

Within one week of employment, job change or promotion, every employee will be given job objectives. 在被录取后的一周内,涉及到工作调动或者升迁,员工都会被告之其工作的目标。

Change position or job's scope due to school needs. 因学校需要,调动原职务或原职位。

A lateral move may be a great option to explore when your current position or your company may be in jeopardy. 在当前的职位或公司处于危险的时候,横向调动可能是很好的发展机会。

He is rumored to be in the running for a top political position. 有传言说他正在争取高层政治职位。

The position is filled by an employee who meets or exceeds the position requirements for a lateral transfer or demotion. 此职位由符合或足以胜任此职位要求的员工担当,以作为侧面职位调动或降职。

The collapse in such listings has led firms to reduce the size of their audit departments. 上市活动枯竭,促使各公司缩减了审计部门的规模。

But finally I did not realize my desire of transferring to work in that department. 我最终没能实现调换部门的愿望。


Hi, Vicky. Have you heard any news




Jim was packed off here.


Really But we have too many colleagues.


Yup. Have you heard that we will have reorganization


No, really


Yes, people who are flexible, aggressive and creative are urgently needed in the HR department.


Yeah, you're right.


And I heard Sue will be packed off.


Who will be there to replace her position


Maybe James.


That is good. She can leave you alone this time.


Eh, thank God. I'll be free...


正式用语 VS 非正式用语

中文 非正式场合聊天常用语 正式场合聊天常用语

你有什么样的工作经历 Any working experience What kind of work experience do you have

我从事人事工作。 I'm in the Personnel Department. I've been working at the Personnel Department.

我是分管人事工作的。 I deal with people there. My duty is on personnel.

我认为它非常有意义。 Very much so. I think it's meaningful.

你认为这是一项很有意义的工作吗 Do you think it is meaningful Do you consider it a rewarding job

你为什么喜欢在人事工作 Why choose Personnel Department Why are you interested in working in the Personnel Department

我是公司职员。 I do office work I'm an ordinary office worker.

这工作不太费事。 The work is comfortable. The work doesn't need much effort.

我已经结束那项工作了。 I've ended that job. I'm done with the work.

我还可以干上好几年。 I still have many years of work. I'll be able to work for many more years.

我们开始吧。 Let's begin! Let's get started.

现在我不能放下这个工作。 I have to continue this job now. I can't leave this job at the moment.

换个工作是唯一的解决办法。 Changing jobs is the only way out. The only way is changing jobs.

你应该更加努力工作。 You should work harder. You'd better work harder.

我已经尽了最大的努力了。 That's all I can do. I did all I could.


1. reorganization [,ri::rgnai‘zein] n. 改组;改编;重新制定;整顿

【例句】My boss has planned a reorganization of the market department.


2. flexible ['fleksbl] a. 可弯曲的,易弯曲的;柔韧的;有弹性的

【例句】This kind of material is flexible.


3. promotion [pr‘mun] n. 晋升;升职;升级

【例句】Everyone want to have a promotion.


4. aggressive ['gresiv] a. 有进取精神的;有干劲的

【例句】An aggressive young man can win.


5. pack [pk] vt. 装(箱);给(某人)将(某物)装入行李

【例句】Please don't forget to pack me a piece of cake.




Don't hate your enemy. It affects your judgments.


Don't let anybody know what you are thinking.


You make the choice, and this is your price.


Everything I do with my power, including something criminal. I just want to protect my family and my friends.


I don't care what you did is right or wrong. I want you know only me have the right to make decision, because I am the godfather until my death.


I will never do anything guilty.


Lesson 81 迟到


I'm sorry to have kept you waiting so long. 真抱歉让您久等。

I was tied up with some urgent business. 有急事脱不开身。

He can't make it to work today. He has got the flu or something. 他今天不能来上班了,他得了流感。

My bus was late again. 我的车又来迟了。

What made you so late 你怎么来这么晚

I didn't make it! 我没赶上!

He didn't arrive on time. 他没有准时到达。

Let me explain why I was late. 让我解释迟到的原因。

I was late for work yesterday. 我昨天上班迟到了。

Sorry, I overslept this morning. 抱歉,我今天早上睡过头了。

Sorry, he hit the rush hour traffic. 抱歉,他碰上高峰时间的交通。

He knew it might sound lame, but his alarm clock somehow didn't go off this morning. 他知道那可能听起来有点扯,但他的闹钟今天早上不知怎么的没有响。

I'm sorry for being late. 抱歉我迟到了。

Sorry, I was delayed by a last-minute meeting. 抱歉,我因为最后临时开会而耽搁了。

I forgot my wallet at home, so I went back for it. That's why I'm late. 我把皮夹遗忘在家,所以我回去拿,因为这样我才迟到。


Hi, Vicky. I have been waiting for you for a long time.


Sorry, Jim. I'm late.


Vicky, this is the third time this week, isn't it


Oh, I know, but I have my reason.


What reason