
第18章 日常表现(1)

Lesson 20 季节及天气


Nice weather today! 今天天气真好。

It's a nice day today. 今天天气不错。

What a sunny day! 天气真晴朗。

Autumn is the best season of this city. 秋天是这个城市最好的季节。

Rainy days make people frustrated. 下雨天让人沮丧。

Trench coat is the best fit for windy days. 风衣是大风天气最好的搭配。

This city is famous for being a “hot pot” in summer. 这个城市夏天是出了名的“火炉”。

I love winter for peace, snow and festival atmosphere. 我喜欢冬天的平静、雪以及节日气氛。

In Spring, Cherry Blossom is a famous scenery of this city. 这个城市春季的樱花很有名。

London is no longer a foggy city any more. 伦敦不再是一个雾都了。

There are only winter and summer in the Arctic area. 在北极地区,只有冬夏两季。

See the clouds Do rememeber to take your umbrella with you. 看见天上的云了么记得带把伞。

This year, summer comes very late. Even in June I still cannot wear T-shirts. 今年夏天来得很晚。到六月了我都不能穿T-shirt。

Winter is coming! Let's buy warmer clothes as I heard it's colder this year. 冬天来了!咱们买些暖和的衣服吧,听说今年冬天很冷。

The weather is so weird! Yesterday the tempreture was 18 degrees and today it's 32! 天气真变幻无常。昨天气温还是18摄氏度,今天就变成32摄氏度!


Hello John! Fancy seeing you here!


Hi, Nancy! What a small world to meet you in New York!


When did you come to New York


One year ago, my boss sent me here to start new businesses.


Sounds good! Do you like New York


Well, most times yes. But when it comes to the weather, it frustrates me a lot.


Yes, I can tell! It's quite like Shanghai, rainy and cloudy most of the time.


Indeed! And on sunny days, I always go to Central Park to take a walk.


Luckily we have heat in the winter, or the wet cold weather will make people even more frustrated.


That's true!


正式用语 VS 非正式用语

中文 非正式场合聊天常用语 正式场合聊天常用语

今天天气真好。 Nice day today! What a nice day today!

明天会下雨么 Rainy tomorrow Will it be rainy tomorrow

天气预报向来不准。 Don't rely on weather forecast. Weather forecast is not accurate enough.

明天可能有沙尘暴。 Sandstorm might come tomorrow. Be prepared it might be sand storm tomorrow.

下雪天要注意防滑。 Watch your steps on snowy days. Be aware when you walk as it's snowy days and it's very slippy.

明天波士顿是晴天。 It will be sunny tomorrow in Boston. Tomorrow Boston will see pleasant weather.

明天伦敦的气温会比较高。 London will be hot tomorrow. London will expect high temperatures tomorrow.

这里四季分明。 Four seasons are obvious here. The four seasons are of distinctive features here.

今天夜间没有雨,将保持晴朗干燥。 It will not be rainy tonight and will continue to be sunny and dry. Tonight has not any showers dying away to leave a dry evening with some clear periods.

英格兰有短时阵雨,部分地区会转成大雨。 It will rain occasionally in England, and the rain will be heavy in some areas. There will be occasional showers in England, some of them perhaps heavy.


1. occasional [a'kegnl] adj. 偶尔的,不经常的;特殊场合的;临时的

【例句】She might see an occasional man; but most of her patients would be women or children.



2. temperature['temprat(r)] n. 温度;体温;气温;<;口>;发烧,高烧

【例句】Coping with severe drops in temperature in the next week can be very difficult.


3. Forecast ['fo:kɑ:st] vt. 预报,预测;预示 vi.预报,预测 n.预报;预言

【例句】The government forecasts that average salary increases will remain around 4 per cent.

政府预测平均工资增幅将保持在 4%左右。

4. frustrate [fra'stret] vt. 挫败;阻挠;使受挫折 adj.无益的,无效的

【例句】Tom is a man who fed up with the frustrations of everyday life.


5. Sandstorm ['sandst:m] n. 沙暴,尘暴

【例句】Yesterday was a hot, gusty day as a sandstorm whirled through the whole city.




Nothing in life is to be feared, it is only to be understood. Now is the time to understand more, so that we may fear less.

——Marie Curie



Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body.

——Richard Steele



A sure way to lose happiness, I found, is to want it at the expense of everything else.

—— Bette Davis



People do not lack strength; they lack will.

——Victor Hugo



Lesson 21 家族关系


I came from a big family. 我来自一个大家庭。

Chinese people value family relationships a lot. 中国人非常重视家族关系。

I have been living with my parents before I went to university in another city. 在我去另一个城市上大学前,我一直和父母住在一起。

I have three uncles, two of whom are my father's younger brothers. 我有三个叔伯,其中两个是叔叔。

In my family, members are not that close. 我家庭中的成员没有那么亲密。

Every year, all of my family members get together for Christmas. 我所有的家庭成员每年都聚在一起过圣诞。

I bought an apartment near my parents' residence. 我在父母的居住地附近买了一个公寓。

My wedding becomes a good reason for family reunion. 我的婚礼为家庭聚会提供了一个绝佳理由。

In small villages, the villagers might be relatives of each other. 在小村庄,村民彼此可能都是亲戚。