

[64]In other words,he was not ready to join the Nixon team,but if they wanted to call him from time to time,his expertise would be available.Why such an ex鄄traordinary leap,literally overnight,from overt antagonism to qualified accessibil鄄ity?换句话说,他不准备参加尼克松的竞选班子,但如果他们想经常找他,他是愿意提供他的专业知识的。为什么几乎一夜之间就发生这样一个不寻常的飞跃,从不愿参加变为肯提供有限的帮助了呢?(《现代英语表达与理解》)antagonism 和accessibility 这两个抽象名词意思笼统,其确切要表达的就是he was not ready to join the Nixon team 和his expertise would be available。显然用了抽象名词,就避免了重复。而汉语没有这样的抽象名词。同指词


[65]Retirement often brings many problems surrounding the “What do I do with my鄄self today?冶question,even though there may be no financial cares.Large num鄄bers of people regularly get headaches and other illnesses on weekends when they don蒺t have their jobs to go to,and must fend for themselves.It has been observed that unemployment,quite aside from exerting financial pressures,brings enor鄄mous psychological troubles and that many individuals deteriorate rapidly when jobless.(Leonard R.Sayles:Why People Work)即使没有经济压力,退休也常常会带来许多问题,其中心问题是”我今天要做什么?冶在周末没有工作去做,必须自己照料自己时,很多人会犯周期性的头痛以及其他疾病。据观察,失业除了造成经济压力以外,还带来了巨大的心理问题。许多人失业后健康迅速恶化。

这里的problems cares troubles pressure,严格说并不是同义词,因为它们单个表达的意思完全不同。但是放在这样一个上下文中,它们就是指同一东西“经济问题,心理问题冶。这可以从它们之间能互相替换中得到证明。financial cares financial problems;financial pressures financial problems;psychological troubles psychological problems。替换后意思并不发生变化。英语中有些同指词意思相差较大,对篇章理解要求就相当高。如例[12]predecessor 是”前任冶意思,指代the first world war,不注意其衔接词its,就很难把它们等同起来。再如:

[66]The phrase “women and children冶attributes to women the same dependence and moral simplicity we find in five鄄year鄄olds.Such an attitude perhaps made sense in an era dominated by male privilege.Given the disabilities attached to woman鄄hood in 1912,it was only fair that a new standard of gender equality not suddenly be proclaimed just as lifeboat seats were being handed out.That deference -a somewhat more urgent variation on giving up your seat on the bus to a woman -complemented and perhaps to some extent compensated for the legal and social constraints placed on women at the time.(Charles Krauthammer)“妇女和孩子冶这一短语将我们在5岁孩子们身上所发现的依赖性和道德上的单纯也赋予了妇女。这样一种态度在一个男性特权占统治地位的时代也许还讲得通。考虑到在1912年妇女被视为软弱无能的情况,在安排救生船的座位时,确实不宜突然宣布一种性别平等的新标准。这种尊重---就像在公共汽车上给女士让座一样,但形式多少有点紧迫---对当时加在妇女身上的法律和社交限制是一种补充,在一定程度上也许是一种补偿。(《21世纪大学英语》教师参考书)这里的disabilities 是constraints 的同指词,表示的同一个意思“限制性的不利条件冶,这可以从其搭配”attached to womanhood,placed on women冶得知。但一般读者往往不能注意到这种对应性,有时连译者也看不出,上面的译文就是一例。这也从另一方面看出,汉语不习惯这样的词语变化。汉语作为意合性的语言,缺少篇章内在的衔接手段,用同指词对篇章理解要求太大。而且汉语同指词在情感和搭配上的要求,使其很难进行随意替换,在同一上下文中同指一个东西。如:发现/find发明/discover希望/hope期望/expect充分/adequate充足/sufficient 满足/content满意/satisfied 暴露/expose揭露/disclose 上面这些词,汉语要能够同指很难,而英语没有问题。



[67a]More and more families who become more and more rich can buy more and more TV sets.

[68a]We must encourage investor to invest in west China [69a]Cultures in different countries are different.

根据杨达复(2000:127)对Lancaster鄄Oslo /Bergen(LOB)语料库中128179个词篇幅(主要是新闻报道、社论、评论等文章)抽样调查和对中国四所大学(北京外国语大学、广东外贸大学、中山大学、上海交通大学)英语专业高年级学生的271篇议论文(涉及人文社会12个不同的题目)总共128168个词的统计,发现前者的词汇重复率是13.92,而后者高达17.60。这里既有中国学生的词汇量问题,也有词汇变化意识问题。如上面几个例子,英族人很可能会说:

[67b]The growing number of families who become increasingly rich can afford more than one TV sets.

[68b]We must encourage investment in west China.[69b]Cultures vary from country to country.


[70]Most studies suggest that when women and men do the same job and have the same experience,pay rates tend to be similar.Most of the dollar differences stem from the fact that women tend to be more recently employed and have less years on the job.



按字面意思,把dollar differences 译成“美元不同冶是可以的,但在上下文中显然是不通的。如果了解英语中追求用词变化的特点,就可看到这里的dollar differences 是pay rates 的另一种说法。dollar 和pay 意思完全不同,但在这个上下文里dollar 的工资意思是清楚的。


原译:Up to a dozen Chinese professors and American professors will offer a varieity of the master蒺s courses.The Chinese professors will teach American students about China.

改译:Up to a dozen faculty members of both nationalities will offer a variety of coursesat the master蒺s level.The Americans,studying with Chinese professors,will concentrate on China.

原文多次提到”中国冶、“美国冶和”教师冶。英语中不必要重复。中国人、美国人,其上义词就是国籍,所以在这个上下文中用both nationalities 指代,是很清楚的。同样英语中faculty 是instructor、associate professor、full professor 的上义词,在同一上下文中可指代某一个。