
第4章 让和平永远成真(3)

They are often more She is right.So often,we dread what we do not know.We live in fear of the thingswe cannot see,but we"ll never move forward by closing ourselves off.The only way to grow is to reach out.

To truly make peace in the Middle East or anywhere in the world we all have to learn to think ourselves into other people"s places.To put ourselves in other people"s shoes.To make room for other people"s hopes and fears.For the more we can appreciate one another"s perspective,the more dimension and depth we add to our own.

And in many respects,that"s what a liberal education is all about.It"s about asking questions without prejudging the answers.Drawing lessons from other peoples"experiences.Testing and refining our own values and beliefs.Developing the habits of an open mind.

W hen we shine the light of inquir y...broad-mindedness...and compassion...that is how we find our way to our own best selves.The more open we become,the more we find we can contain.It"s the"lux"that leads the way to"veritas."And when it comes to the Middle East,no matter how great the fears,no matter how deep the mistrust,if we shine that light,we are sure to reveal what has always,and will always,be true.There is no difference between the love Palestinians and Israelis feel for their children.No difference between their laughter or their tears.

We share one humanity.As one of my heroes,Desmond Tutu,likes to say",We,all of us,have been made for goodness.We have been made for laughter...we have been made for caring,for sharing,for compassion;for we do indeed inhabit a moral universe and;yes,goodness is powerful."Yale,as the global citizens,we have a responsibility to one another.In ourinterconnected world,there are no zero sum games.We win or lose together.We all have a stake in peace and justice for all of us are diminished by their absence.Let us work together,in the Middle East and around the world,to make peace come true,for good.

Thank you very much.












