
第8章 告别过去,重新开始(1)

“Air Jordan ” is derived from our common efforts


[迈克尔·乔丹 / Michael Jordan]

I am here to announce my retirement from the game of basketball. It wont be anotherannouncement to baseball or anything to thatnature.

Mentally, Im exhausted. I dont feel I have a challenge. Physically, I feel Great. The last timein 1993 I had other agendas. I felt that I wantedto play baseball and I felt that at my age, it was agood opportunity and time to do it. And with thedeath of my father, and I was basically trying todeal with that.

Actually I talked to Jerry last year oncethe season ended and I told Jerry at that time,mentally, I was a little exhausted. I didnt knowif I would play next year. I wanted to put himon awareness so that he could possibly preparegoing into next season. And Jerry, once we hadour conversation, wanted me to take time as I didin 1993 to make sure that it was the right decisionbecause it was going to be the final decision.




I retired the first time when Phil Jacksonwas the coach. And I think that even with Philbeing the coach I would have had a tough time,mentally finding the challenge for myself. Although he can somehow present challengesfor me, I dont know if he could have presentedthe challenge for me to continue on to thisseason. Even though middle way of this season Iwanted to continue to play a couple more years,but at the end of this season I was mentallydrained and tired. So I cant say that he wouldhave restored that.

I will support the Chicago Bulls. I think thegame itself is a lot bigger than Michael Jordan. I,ve been given an opportunity by people beforeme, to name a few, Kareem Abdul Jabbar, DoctorJ, Eljohn Baylor, Jerry West. These guys playedthe game way before Michael Jordan was bornand Michael Jordan came on the heels of all thatactivity. Mr. Stern and what hes done for theleague, gave me an opportunity to play the gameof basketball. I played it to the best I could play it,and I tried to enhance the game itself. Ive tried tobe the best basketball player that I could be.




Beckhams Retirement Speech

[大卫·贝克汉姆 / David Beckham]

“Im thankful to PSG for giving me theopportunity to continue but I feel now is theright time to finish my career, playing at thehighest level.


“If you had told me as a young boy Iwould have played for and won trophieswith my boyhood club ManchesterUnited, proudly captained and played formy country over one hundred times andlined up for some of the biggest clubs inthe world, I would have told you it was afantasy. Im fortunate to have realized thosedreams.


“To this day, one of my proudestachievements is captaining my country. Iknew every time I wore the Three Lionsshirt, I was not only following in a long lineof great players, I was also representingevery fan that cared passionately about theircountry. Im honored to represent Englandboth on and off the pitch.


“I wouldnt have achieved what I havedone today without my family. Im gratefulfor my parents sacrifice, which made merealize my dreams. I owe everything toVictoria and the kids, who have given methe inspiration and support to play at thehighest level for such a long period. I alsowant to thank Simon Fuller and his team fortheir continued support.


“I want to thank all my team-mates,the great managers that I had the pleasure oflearning from. I also want to thank the fanswho have all supported me and given methe strength to succeed.


“Nothing will ever completely replaceplaying the game I love, however I feellike Im starting a new adventure and Imgenuinely excited about what lies ahead. I,m fortunate to have been given manyopportunities throughout my career andnow I feel its my time to give back.”


Take Fear Head on



[Tom Hanks]

Today is your day. Please, do not turn off yourelectronic devices. Leave your iPhone, your iPad,your Sidekicks, your Droids, your blackberriespowered up, recording, photographing, texting outall that emerges from this stage over the next fewminutes.

Later on today you can compare your Twitterand your Facebook comments with those of othersto figure out if anything memorable went down.You know what, tweet that last sentence I just said.Take this speech and set it to music and maybeinsert some crazy kooky graphics. Star in that videoyourself and post on the web and if it becomes aviral sensation youll be equal to any cat playingwith a paper bag or any set of twin toddlers talkinggibberish to each other, as popular as that cute girlthat sings about Fridays.

