
第6章 关于奋斗(1)

Take Fear Head On


The world you now inherit whether you,d like it or not.


Today is your day. Please, do not turn off your electronic devices. Leave your iPhone, your iPad, your blackberries powered up, recording, photographing.

Take this speech and set it to music and maybe insert some crazy kooky graphics. Star in that video yourself and post on the web and if it becomes a viral sensation you,ll be equal to any cat playing with a paper bag or any set of twin toddlers talking gibberish to each other, as popular as that cute girl that sings about Fridays.

Just one of the possibilities in our brave new world, the world you now inherit whether you,d like it or not. The jig is up.The clock has run out and the future with a capital F, now rests with all of you all because you went to Yale. You are now the anointed, the charge holders, the best and brightest. Each of you is a shining hope for our nation in the world. You are the new wizards who can finally make sense of all the delta vectors and square roots and divided-bys and the theorem that we call the human race. The generations before you came of age took on the job and now it,s your turn.

That sober look shows that just as world has gotten to be a better place after all, and has also grown a bit worse at the exact same rate. A one step up and one step back, sort of cosmic balance between forward progress and cultural retreat that puts mankind on the bell curve of existence. That shows a small segment in joy, ease and comfort while an equal portion struggle on with little hope in the fortunes of the remainder, either on the rise or on the wane in this confounding tide of so many damn things that we grow oblivious to the shifts in the quality of our lives.

Now some advantages particular to this age are not to be denied. Boredom seems to have been vanquished. There is always something to do, but hasn,t this translated into a perpetual distraction in our lives, in the bathroom, at the dinner table, in the back seat, at a wedding, at a graduation day? There,s always something to check, something to tweet, something to watch, something to download, something to share, something to buy, someone on a voice mail, something to yank at our attention span and it,s all in the palm of our hand for a small monthly service fee.

That same technology has allowed for a surplus of celebrities and that is nothing to cheer about. Anyone can enjoy the perks of notoriety now and the duration of fame has been lengthened from Andy Warhol,s brief 15 minutes to a good 15 months if you,re willing to do certain things on camera.

Cultivate in them the faith to carry on and they will do the rest. Your work begins, work that will not be always joyful to you, labor that may not always fulfill you and days that will seem like one damn thing after the other.

It,s true you will now work every day for the rest of your lives, that full-time job, your career as human beings and as Americans and as graduates of Yale is to stand on the fulcrum between fear and faith, fear at your back, faith in front of you.

Which way will you lean? Which way will you move? Move forward, ever forward and tweet out a picture of the results. It may make you famous.

Thank you and congratulations.













compare vt.& vi.比较,对照; n.比较

confound vt.使混淆,使混乱; 挫败; 诅咒;

surplus adj.过剩的; 多余的; n.剩余额; 公积金; 顺差; 盈余;

Come on, Girls


What would I do if I weren,t afraid? And then go do it.


Today is a day of celebration, a day to celebrate all the hard work that got you to this place where you can sit, kind of sweltering in that gown. Today is a day of thanks, a day to thank all the people that helped you get here, the people who nurtured you and taught you, who held your hand, who dried your tears. Today is a day of reflection.

As you leave Barnard today, you leave not just with an education, but you take your place amongst the fortunate. Some of you came here from families where education was expected and emphasized. Others of you had to overcome far more obstacles to get here, and today you become the very first member of your family to graduate from college. What an amazing accomplishment. But no matter where you started, as of today you are all privileged. You are privileged in the most important sense of the word, which is that you have almost boundless opportunity in front of you. So, the question is, what are you going to do with it? What will you do with this education you worked so hard to achieve? What in the world needs to change, and what part do you plan on playing in changing it?

Pulitzer Prize winners Sheryl WuDunn and Nicholas Kristof assert that the fundamental moral challenge for our century, it is oppression of girls and women around the world. Their book is a call to arms, to give women all over the world, women who are exactly like us except for the circumstances into which they were born, basic human rights.