
第4章 世界永无止境

World Without End

布鲁斯·迈舍尔 / Bruce Marshall

I think often of these lines, both when I am sad and when I am glad. I think of them when I am sad, because their rhythm teaches me that the timeless patience of God is reflected in the mirror of the sea. Whatever the stupidities of men in cities or council chambers, the waves will always be in choir, chanting their psalm. They sang before Genghis Khan and they will still sing after the atom bomb. Those thoughts make me glad and I murmur the words again, because I am also grateful.




1. I_________often of these lines, both when I am_________ and when I am glad. I think of them when I am sad, because their rhythm _________me that the timeless patience of God is reflected in the mirror of the ________ .

2. Whatever the stupidities of men_________cities or council chambers, the______will always be in choir, chanting their psalm. They_________ before Genghis Khan and they will still sing after the atom bomb. Those _________make me glad and I murmur the_________ again, because I am also grateful.

1. 涌动的海水,就像是牧师在为地球上人类的海岸进行圣洁的洗礼。

2. 无论城市或会议室里的人们多么愚昧无知,海浪依然歌唱,唱着赞美诗。

3. 这些想法使我高兴,所以我又低诵这两行诗,因为我心中充满了感激之情。

1. I think of them when I am sad...

think of:想念;想起;考虑

2. Whatever the stupidities of men in cities or council chambers...

council chamber:会议室;议会厅