
第17章 玛吉 (2)

It took many months before Maggie allowed herself to enjoy her new life. She eventually came to have her favorite spot under the apple tree, her own corner of the pasture where the new grass grew tallest, and her own place in the warm, hay-scented shelter of the barn. Maggie learned to be loved to lift her head for a special scratch under her pendulous lower lip, to lean gently against my side so that I could slip an arm around her neck, and to nuzzle in my coat pocket for the special treat she knew I always carried.

She looked up at the sound of my voice, and in her own cumbersome way, galloped down the side of the hill to meet me. She joyfully brayed a welcome through the barn when I appeared in the morning, and snuffled a wet goodnight into my ear as I closed the door at night.

Maggie knew she was loved—not for how she looked or for what she could do, but just for being Maggie. She died in the spring six years after she came with us. She died in her comer of the pasture, with a wisp of new green grass in her mouth. She died quietly, without fuss, as she had lived her life. But in a departure from how she had lived most of her life, Maggie died loved. For the old, the unloved, and even the unlovable, Maggie is my reminder that love is a one-way flow until the heart learns to trust.




我顺着瓦尔手指的方向望过去,看到一头黑色的驴孤单地站在那里,没有和围在我们周围的驴在一起。即使从远处看我仍然能看到它的皮毛粗糙,还有几处掉了毛。“不要在意它的皮毛,” 瓦尔继续说,“它生疥癣了,很快就会好的。”我们慢慢靠近它,它没抬头看我们,显然,它对我们没有兴趣。

“它叫玛吉,” 瓦尔说,“已经训练好了,有没有马鞍都可以骑它。现在让我给你们演示一下。” 瓦尔从篱笆上拿下一套马鞍,套在玛吉身上。玛吉安静地站着,仍然没有抬头。“上去喽,”瓦尔抱起我的儿子内森,把他重重地放在玛吉的背上,并在它的臀部拍打。玛吉向前走了几步,它没有向左右张望。“瞧,它很温和,什么都不会惊动它。”瓦尔说。玛吉转身朝我们走来。那一刻,我看到了它的眼睛,顺从而绝望。玛吉知道自己没有其他驴可爱和年轻,也知道没人愿意要它,因为它不漂亮、不优雅。它还知道它的后半生会从一个无情的商人手中转到另一个无情的商人手中。







1. I hadn’t planned to Maggie into our lives. I took the children to Valean Farm to look donkeys, not buy one. But one look mine undid all my resolve. I wanted .

2. I followed Val’s pointing . A gray donkey stood alone, aloof from the other donkeys crowding around us. Even at a , I could see that her coat was rough and patchy, with skin showing through here and there.

3. She died in the spring six years she came with us. She died in her comer of the pasture, a wisp of new green grass in her mouth. She died quietly, without fuss, as she had her life.


1. 我从来都不知道玛吉的年龄和我见到它之前它的生活状况。

2. 我知道它失望了太多次,不再轻信一个陌生人的耳语。

3. 它生命的大多数时间里缺少爱,但它在最后的时光里是被爱着的。


1. Even at a distance, I could see that her coat was rough and patchy, with dark skin showing through here and there.

here and there:各处,到处

2. Lexy bounced out of the trailer and galloped up and down the fields…

up and down:上上下下;到处;前前后后;来来往往