
第48章 做你自己

It’s You

I have absolutely the best marriage of anyone that I know.

How do I know that? I don’t, it’s just what I feel.

I am happy with my wife, my house, my car, my body, my kids, my job, my church, and my country.

Sure, all of them have snags, all of them have faults, but overall I wouldn’t trade them, I am happy.

“Happiness is not having what you want, but having what you have.” That’s a quote that I remember from a little boy. It’s true, very true.

Society doesn’t gear us to want what we have. Otherwise, we wouldn’t buy the new and improved version. We are made to feel as though we need something different to be happy, something better.

Are there better wives out there than mine? Maybe. Even if there were and I had her, would there then be a better one than that one? Probably.

There is always something better, fancier, more powerful, and more expensive. If not now, it’s coming.

Computer programs keep us waiting for an upgrade. An upgrade supposedly fixes all of the current bugs. Often, the upgrade introduces new bugs.

We are in a constant state of trying to get something better and different. We are often trying to be someone different, even when the current us is pretty decent. If you are not happy being you, then who else can you be?

I neither want to nor have the ability to trade places with anyone. I am happy with myself. With all life’s faults, with all of my faults and my continuing struggle to improve, I am happy.

There are a lot of others who have more stuff. But there aren’t many who are happier with the stuff they do have. That’s the key. Are you happy with the stuff that you do have?

Are you happy with yourself? You are you and that isn’t going to change. An old proverb says, “Be what you are, not what you aren’t, because when you are what you aren’t, then you aren’t what you are.”













1. “Happiness is not having you want, but having what you .”That’s a quote that I remember a little boy. It’s true, very .

2. Are there wives out there than mine? Maybe. Even if there were and I had her, would there then be a better one that one? Probably.

1. 他们当然都有缺点,都有令人遗憾的地方,但我不会利用他们,我很幸福。

2. 即使现在没有,那将来也会有。

3. 世上富有的人很多,但因富有而幸福的人却不多。

1. Even if there were and I had her, would there then be a better one than that one?

even if:即使;虽然

2. Computer programs keep us waiting for an upgrade.

wait for:等候;等待