
第43章 宗教(1)

archbishop [5B???tF5bIF[p]?????????An international panel of Anglican archbishops called upon a gathering of their conservative American counterparts Friday to split from the rest ofthe U.S.Episcopal Church???.FOX NEWS???

bishop [5bIF[p]??????The network is headed by Pittsburgh???s Episcopal Bishop Robert W.Duncan.He helped form the group in 2003after the Episcopal Church in the United States consecrated an openly gay priest???Gene Robinson???as bishop of New Hampshire and gave tacit approval to blessing services for same-sexcouples???.AP???

buddhism [5bUdIz[m]??????buddhist [5bUdIst]?????????buddha [5bUd[]???Islam is the state religion in this Muslim-majority country.Malaysia also tolerates followers of other major religions???including Christianity???Hinduism and Buddhism???.NBC???

President Mahinda Rajapakse -whose hardline Buddhist and Marxist allies loathe the minority Tamil rebels -has said he wants concessionsfrom the rebels???not the other way around???.Reuters???

Thousands of pilgrims are pouring into the dense jungle of southern Nepal to worship a 15-year-old boy who has been hailed as a new Buddha.???The Washington Times ???

cardinal [5kB???dIn[l]????????????As the Roman Catholics cardinals prepare to elect a new pope???the faithful in the United States hope the pontiff can help stem the decline in oneof the church???s most visible institutions -the sisterhood of nuns???.CNN???

cathedral [k[5WI???dr[l]?????????

After a painstaking restoration???Dresden???s famed cathedral is again aplace of worship.CNN???s Kathleen Saal reports???.CNN???

Catholic [5kAW[lIk]???????????????????????????Pope Benedict XVI condemned same-sex unions as anarchic???pseudo-matrimony???Monday and reaffirmed the Roman Catholic Church???sopposition to abortion???.CBS???

ceremony [5serI9m[nI]??????Wearing a simple white dress and pearls???Japan???s Princess Sayako bid farewell to palace life Tuesday to wed a Tokyo city employee in a low-key ceremony marking the first time that an emperor???s daughter has married acommoner???.AP???

church [tF[???tF]??????

The global leadership had asked the American church to send nonvoting delegates instead to explain the church???s position on homosexuality???andthe American church said on Wednesday that it would do that???.CNN???

cleric [5klerIk]??????????????????????????????Afghan President Hamid Karzai has been under growing international pressure to find a way to free Abdul Rahman without angering Muslimclerics who have called for him to be killed???.CNN???

clergy [5kl[???dVI]??????????????????????????????????????????clergyman [5kl[???dVIm[n]???????????????The nation???s Roman Catholic leaders received 783new claims of sex abuse by clergy in 2005???with most of the allegations involving cases thatare decades old???.NBC???

A clergyman awaiting trial on charges of raping two teenage sisters plunged 400feet to his death in Sequoia National Park???and federal authorities were investigating Tuesday whether he fell???jumped or waspushed???.AP???

Christian [5krIstF[n]????????????Hundreds of Muslims attacked and burned two churches in Pakistan on Saturday after reports that a Christian man had desecrated Islam???s holybook.No one was injured in the blazes???.FOX NEWS???

convert [k[n5v[???t]n.????????????????????????????????????????????????vt.


Afghan authorities are trying Abdul Rahman???a 41-year-old Christian convert???on charges of rejecting Islam -a death-penalty offense underAfghanistan???s constitution???which is based on Islamic law???.CNN???

???I???m troubled when I hear -deeply troubled -when I hear the fact that a person who has converted away from Islam may be held to account??????

President Bush said???.CNN???

Islam [5IzlB???m][5IzlAm]????????????Islamic [Iz5lAmIk]??????????????????????????????In Washington???President Bush condemned the bombings???saying the attackers defiled Islam and the United States would help bring thoseresponsible to justice???.NBC???

The fires came a day after a local Muslim resident accused a Christian of burning a one-room Islamic school along with copies of the Quran.Dogar said the allegations were apparently leveled by people who lost moneywhile gambling with the Christian man on Friday???but police had detainedhim and were investigating???.FOX NEWS???

Jesus [5dVI???z[s]???????????????????????????????????????I sat next to a very religious woman who was telling me all about her family???her mother???grandmother???who had 20children??????and her faith.The Virgin Mary is a saint in Islam???which treats Jesus as a prophet.???FOXNEWS???Jew [dVU???]????????????????????????Jewish [5dVU???IF]????????????Rabin???s killing by an ultranationalist Jew opposed to the premier???s peace efforts with the Palestinians stunned the country a decade ago???revealing the depth of Israel???s internal conflicts and badly damaging dreams of peace.???CNN???

Sharon helped establish the Likud 30years ago on a platform of expanding Jewish settlement???but now that he seeks further withdrawals inthe West Bank???the marriage is over???.CBS???

Judaism [5dVU???dei9Iz[m]?????????The largest branch of North American Judaism voted on Sunday to oppose Samuel Alito???s nomination to the U.S.Supreme Court.???FOX NEWS???mass [mAs]??????Several hundred people attended a funeral Mass on Saturday for an assistant principal who was killed as administrators tried to wrestle a gunaway from a student???.FOX NEWS???

minister [5mInIst[]?????????????????????In the Capitol Rotunda???President Bush and congressional leaders laid wreaths???a choir sang and a minister prayed.All in honor of Rosa Parks???a black woman whose quiet defiance in refusing to give up her bus seat to a white man galvanized the civil rights movement.Thousands of people areexpected to file past her casket to pay their final respects???.CNN???

missionary [5mIF[n[rI]?????????Police rescued unharmed two kidnapped children and a foster child of an American missionary couple during a raid on an apartment in Haiti???scapital???officials said Monday???.AP???