
第38章 军事(3)

custody [5kQst[dI]拘留、监禁;监管Malik Mohammed Javed was abducted April 9after he left his residence in Baghdad to attend prayers at a mosque.The Pakistani government said after his abduction he was in the custody of a previously unknown Islamic militant group,Omar bin al-Khattab that had demanded a ransom for Javed’s release(.NBC)

defeat [dI5fI:t]打败

Tony Blair says his authority is intact despite suffering his first Commonsdefeat as PM over a key anti-terror law(.BBC)

defend [dI5fend]保卫、辩护

President Bush on Wednesday defended an Afghan who could face thedeath penalty for converting to Christianity(.CNN)

demilitarized zone 非军事区Green said Seoul,the South Korean capital,was as close to the demilitarized zone separating the two countries and to North Korean artillery as the White House was to Dulles International Airport,some 50kilometers(30miles)outside Washington(.CNN)

deploy [dI5plCi]部署、调动deployment 部署Australia‘s government wants new laws to allow its troops to deploy insupport of police against any terrorist attack(.BBC)

Recent polls have shown weakening support for the U.S.-led war among Americans,whileCongress has been debating continued militarydeployment in Iraq(.CNN)

deserter 逃兵

The photo comes from U.S.army deserter Robert Jenkins,who spent 39years in North Korea and was released just last year(.CBS)

destroyer [dIs5trCi[]驱逐舰It’s night-time as the destroyer churns up a phosphorescent wake in the Pacific.The dimmed lights of electronic equipment cast a soft green glowover the bridge,while red lamps add an eerie,darkroom look(.NBC)

disarmament [dIs5B:m[m[nt]裁军;解除武装South Korea said it urged the North to return to six-party nuclear disarmamenttalks(.FOX NEWS)

dislodge [dIs5lCdV]驱逐Some 1,000Congolese soldiers backed by 300U.N.peacekeepers attacked Monday to dislodge a rebel group known as the Revolutionary Movement of Congo around the town of Similiki,40kilometers(25miles)south of Bunia,U.N.Spokesman Maj.Hans-Jakob Reichen said(.CNN)

dismantle [dIs5mAntl]拆除

North Korea also wants a light-water civilian nuclear reactor for powergeneration before it disarms.But Hill said the other governments agreed that they should not even discuss that until the North‘s other programs aredismantled(.FOX NEWS)

ease [I:z]缓和、减轻The temporary measure -aimed at reuniting families after the earthquake that devastated the region -may go a long way toward easingtensions between the two nuclear rivals(.CNN)

emergency [I5m[:dV[nsI]紧急情况state of emergency 紧急状态The six-hour drama in the sky over Oregon was carried live on nationaltelevision.The Gulfstream jet also spent time circling to burn off fuel before making the emergency landing at Hillsboro Airport,where it had taken off.(AP)

A state of emergency is imposed in the eastern Russian city ofKhabarovsk as a chemical spill approaches(.BBC)

evacuate [I5vAkju9eit]撤离、疏散evacuation [I9vAkju5eiF[n]撤离、疏散A tropical storm that landed southeast of Tokyo last month injured fourpeople and forced hundreds to evacuate(.CNN)

More than a million people have been told to evacuate Texas and Louisiana as a hurricane more powerful than Katrina heads for the US coast.A state of emergency has been declared as the Category Five storm haswinds of 175mph(.BBC)

evidence [5evId[ns]证据

Church leaders in Poland start to consider evidence that could see latePope John Paul II become a saint(.BBC)

expand [Iks5pAnd]扩大expansionism [Ik5spAnF[9nIz[m]扩张主义Korean chipmaker Samsung plans to expand output and create theworld’s biggest semiconductor factory(.BBC)

In 1952,Harry Truman‘s disapproval rating was so high,over 65percent,he decided not to seek re-election.Now,however,historians regard Harry Truman as one of America’s best presidents.His vision turned around America‘s enemies and his policy of containing Sovietexpansionism was a model for the rest of the Cold War(.NBC)

fighter [5fait[]战斗机jet fighter 喷气式战斗机stealth fighter 隐形战斗机The new coalition government wants to reopen the political discussion onwhich type jet fighter to purchase as replacement for Norway’s old F16jetfighters now in use(.the Norway Post)

Although the Pentagon‘s budget would increase by $19billion next year,President Bush’s $419billion proposal would scale back production of a stealth fighter,a transport plane and ships,and eliminate one aircraftcarrier(.FOX NEWS)

flame-thrower 火焰喷射器

A flame-thrower,guns and more than 300knives have been confiscatedfrom violent pupils at Scottish schools this year,according to officialfigures(.The Times)

fortify [5fC:tIfai]巩固、增强;筑堡于、设防fortification [fC:tIfI5keiF[n]堡垒、要塞、防御工事The Green Zone is a heavily fortified,four-square-mile section of theIraqi capital housing several embassies(.CNN)

Faced with an exodus to the West,East German leader Walter Ulbricht gave the order for the fortification of the border between the Soviet and allied sectors of Berlin on the night of Aug.12,1961.Barbed-wirebarricades started going up the next day and three days later,workers beganreplacing them with hollow stone blocks(.Bloomberg)

fuel [fjU[l]燃料

Lower fuel prices and banking charges are behind a fall in UK consumerprice inflation,official figures show(.BBC)

garrison [5gArIsn]驻军、警卫部队;驻地

Central Command said the Chinook helicopter was not hit and returned safely with its crew to Chaklala air base at Rawalpindi,the garrison townneighboring Islamabad(.Reuters)

general [5dVen[r[l]将军The U.S.Army discovered scores of detainees in poor health at a building run by the Iraqi Interior Ministry during a search for a missing 15-year-oldboy,a U.S.general said Monday(.CNN)

grenade [grI5neid]手榴弹

The US military says it believes a rocket-propelled grenade was fired atan aid helicopter in Kashmir(.BBC)