
第33章 家政府与政党(9)

Former Army Captain James Yee,a Muslim convert,was accused of spying for al Qaeda and charged with adultery will serving as a chaplain atthe U.S.base at Guantanamo bay(.NBC)

subpoena [s[b5pI:n[]传票;传唤Lawyers representing Slobodan Milosevic have asked the U.N.war crimes tribunal to issue a subpoena to force former U.S.President BillClinton to testify at his trial,documents showed on Tuesday(.Reuters)

A judge will not immediately subpoena witnesses requested by Washington-area sniper John Allen Muhammad in his upcoming murdertrial because prosecutors complained many were not relevant(.CNN)

sue [sju:]提出诉讼、提出请求A man who sued Home Depot claiming that a prank left him glued to a restroom toilet seat has passed a lie detector test,a newspaper reported.(AP)

suit [sju:t]诉讼civil suit 民事诉讼criminal suit 刑事诉讼The civil suit,filed by several law firms representing the Haitian government,alleges that Mr.Aristide and eight co-defendants broke American law in transferring“tens of millions of dollars”in stolen public funds and revenues from Haiti Teleco to the United States.Ira Kurzban,Mr.Aristide’s Miami lawyer,called the suit“baseless”.Mr.Aristide has beenliving in South Africa since his ouster in February 2004(.AP)

The cases involved the killing of 119dissidents,but Pinochet‘s case would be limited to the 15victims whose relatives filed a criminal suitagainst him(.CBS)

suspect [s[s5pekt]嫌疑犯;怀疑suspicion [s[s5pIF[n]猜疑、怀疑suspicious of [s[s5pIF[s]可疑的、怀疑的The suspect was dozing off periodically,Pennington said,and officialshave been using their sirens to keep him awake(.CNN)

The 2001Patriot Act removed the requirement that the records sought be those of someone under suspicion.As a result,FBI agents can review the digital records of a citizen as long as the bureau can certify that the person’s records are“relevant”to a terrorist investigation(.CBS)

Public fear and ignorance remain strong and the government continues to be suspicious of volunteers and non-governmental organizations trying tohelp spread AIDS awareness(.Reuters)

testify [5testIfai]作证;证实;见证

John Smith testified that his brother,Joseph Smith,told him that he had“rough sex”with Carlie and then strangled her(.AP)

traitor [5treit[]叛逆者、叛国者treason [5trI:zn]叛逆、通敌、背信、叛国罪Rabin was shot and killed as he left the peace rally here November 4,1995,by Yigal Amir,an extremist Jew who considered Rabin a traitor formaking concessions to the Palestinians(.CNN)

Ethiopia‘s opposition leaders and editors in custody will face treasoncharges for last week’s protests,the PM says(.BBC)

try [trai]审判trial[trai[l]审判put sb.on trial 审问某人While top White House officials publicly talked about trying Al Qaeda leaders for war crimes,the internal memos show that administration lawyers were privately concerned that they could tried for war crimes themselves based on actions the administration were taking,and might haveto take in the future,to combat the terrorist threat(.NBC)

Five people go on trial in Rome over the alleged 1982murder of“God‘s banker”Roberto Calvi in London(.BBC)

Milosevic has been on trial for four years on charges of genocide,crimesagainst humanity and war crimes(.Reuters)

verdict [5v[:dIkt](陪审团的)裁决A guilty verdict could mean a maximum 30-year jail sentence and $1.25million in fines.Federal prison has no parole.However the odds are low that Libby,who has no prior record and who has years of public service,wouldbe given a maximum sentence if convicted(.FOX NEWS)

wanted[5wCntId]被通缉的A Florida man wanted in his ex-girlfriend’s beating death passed the 24-hour mark late Thursday afternoon,perched 18stories atop a crane at anAtlanta construction site(.CNN)

witness [5wItnIs]证人、目击者;证实、证明、目击During a preliminary hearing Tuesday,lawyers and an independent investigator heard testimony from several witnesses who said they sawDriver mistreat detainees(.AP)

Lauren Sokolski,from Silver Spring,Md.,was here in the hearing room to witness today‘s testimony this morning.During a break in the action shegave me her views on the Supreme Court and the nation(.NBC)