
第3章 前言(3)

disaster [dI5zB:st[]灾难Runyan,a 47-year-old truck driver from Fargo,N.D.,looked outside his mother‘s window Saturday night and saw a howling tornado headed for thehouse.He rushed his family into the basement as the disaster struck(.NBC)

discover [dis5kQv[]发现

Fossilised remains of a crocodile that stalked the oceans 140millionyears ago are discovered in Patagonia(.BBC)

disrupt [dis5rQpt]使中断、使分裂、使瓦解、使陷于混乱、破坏“We have had a pattern of increasing the number of coalition forces during periods when there was an expectation that the insurgents and terrorists would like to try to disrupt the political process,”Rumsfeld toldPentagon reporters(.AP)

donate [d[U5neit]捐赠、赠予donation [d[U5neiF[n]捐赠品、捐款The parents of a Palestinian boy shot by Israeli soldiers donated hisorgans to three Israeli children waiting for transplants(.NBC)

Israel has a chronic shortage of donor organs that many medical officialsattribute to Jewish religious taboos against such donations(.NBC)

drought [draUt]旱灾、干旱The worst drought in more than 40years is damaging the world’s biggest rainforest,plaguing the Amazon basin with wildfires,sickening river dwellers with tainted drinking water,and killing fish by the millions asstreams dry up(.Reuters)

drown [draUn]溺死、淹死Andrea Yates,the Texas woman who drowned her five young children four years ago,will likely get a new trial,prosecutors said.But a plea deal“isn‘t an option,”according to her defense attorney(.FOX NEWS)

earthquake [5[:W9kwei]地震

Indonesian officials say at least 2,275people have died in the 6.2-magnitude quake that hit a heavily populated area on Saturday(.CNN)

The earthquake and resulting tsunami,which swept across the Indian Ocean,killed more than 176,000people in 11countries.About 50,000people were left missing and hundreds of thousands were made homeless.(USA TODAY)

emergency [I5m[:dV[nsI]紧急情况According to the State Department’s Cuba experts,this was the first time the Castro government has accepted a U.S.offer of emergency assistance,department spokesman Sean McCormack said(.CBS)

explode [Ik5spl[Ud]爆炸explosion [Ik5spl[UV[n]爆炸explosive [Ik5spl[UsIv]炸药At least 30people are killed in Iraq as a car bomb explodes on a busystreet in a village north of Baghdad(.BBC)

A powerful explosion hit a crowded neighborhood in central New Delhi on Saturday and television reports said at least 10people were feared killed.

Minutes later,two more blasts shook the city,officials said(.AP)

Danish media quoted Bro as saying that the arrests in Copenhagen were linked to an investigation in the Balkans in which arrests were made thismonth and large quantities of explosives were found(.FOX NEWS)

extremist [Ik5strI:mIst]极端分子Many insurgents are thought to be from the formerly dominant Sunni Arab minority,but many Iraqis blame foreign extremists for the assaults oncivilians(.NBC)

faint [feint]晕倒

Sen.Hillary Rodham Clinton fainted Monday after complaining of astomach virus before a scheduled speech on Social Security(.NBC)

famine[5fAmIn]饥荒President Bush and British Prime Minister Tony Blair will announce a joint initiative Tuesday costing the United States $674million to help an estimated 14million people threatened by famine in Africa,the WhiteHouse said(.NBC)

flee [flI:]逃跑flee the country 逃离国家Texas asks for 10,000federal troops to be put on standby as a millionpeople flee ahead of Hurricane Rita(.BBC)

In another scene,a man defaces a poster of Kim Jong Il then flees the country with the image.He tells Korean journalist Jung-Eun Kim he wants the world to know of the growing opposition movement within NorthKorea(.CNN)

flood [flQd]水灾、大水

At least 77people die after two packed buses are swept away in floods inIndia‘s Tamil Nadu state,officials say(.BBC)

frighten [5frait[n]恐吓Why is Washington so enthusiastic about spreading the so-called democracy in Syria and not in Saudi Arabia?Why do they use democracy as a bug bear to frighten those countries which don’t say yes to American dictates?(The Peninsula)funeral [5fjU:n[r[l]葬礼、丧葬state funeral 国葬Thousands of mourners gather in the Gaza Strip for the funerals of eightpeople killed in Israeli air strikes(.BBC)

Former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher has appeared frail at recent public engagements.In June,she attended the state funeral in Washington of her friend and ally,former U.S.President Ronald Reagan.(Reuters)

gunpowder magazine [5gQnpaUd [9mAg [5zI:n]弹药库Several gunpowder magazines were built on Suomenlinna because gunpowder had to be protected from damp and enemy shells.(Suomenlinna)

hail [heil]欢呼、致敬TONY BLAIR hailed G8summit accords yesterday on doubling aid to Africa,climate change and help for the Palestinian Authority as proof thatthe politics of hope could defeat the hatred of terrorism(.TIMES)

helicopter [5helI5kCpt[]直升飞机

Around 1,000U.S.troops,backed by helicopter gunships,attackedtowns in the far west of Iraq on Saturday,in the latest push to track down alQaeda militants they believe are hiding near the Syrian border(.Reuters)

hijack [5hai5dVAk]劫持hijacker [5hai5dVAk[]劫持者hijacked plane 被劫持的飞机The attack shows pirates from the anarchic country on the Horn of Africa are becoming bolder and more ambitious in their efforts to hijack ships forransom and loot,a maritime official warned Sunday(.AP)

A court on Friday convicted a Moroccan man suspected of helping the Sept.11hijackers of membership in a terrorist organization and sentencedhim to seven years in prison(.FOX NEWS)

The former commissioners -who wrote the seminal 2004analysis of what went wrong before and after the 2001hijacked plane attacks -saidthe United States was still vulnerable to terrorism(.Reuters)