
第16章 外交(3)

deliver [dI5lIv[]传递、传送President Bush delivered a tough speech aimed at Hugo Chavez,calling on Latin America to choose an American-supported“vision of hope.”(THE NEW YORK TIMES)diplomat [5dIpl[mAt]外交家diplomatic relations [9dIpl[5mAtIk]外交关系full diplomatic ties with 与……正常的外交关系diplomatic channels 外交渠道North Korean diplomats earlier this month suggested they were willingto return to the six-nation talks -but did not offer a date(.USA TODAY)

China said Monday diplomatic relations with Japan were at a three-decade low and blamed the dispute on Tokyo for refusing to face up to its militaristic past -prompting Japanese anger over China‘s lack of regret forviolent anti-Japanese protests(.FOX NEWS)

North Korea agreed to give up its nuclear weapons on Sept.19in a deal brokered by China in Beijing.The joint statement,also signed by the U.S.,South Korea,Japan and Russia,declares that North Korea will give up its nuclear weapons program in exchange for food,development aid and fulldiplomatic ties with the others(.Bloomberg)

I believe for the time being the diplomatic channel is the main one,and the United States along with the European countries should put this on the table of the U.N.Security Council,to talk about sanctions and a very deepand large inspection of all Iran’s nuclear locations(.NBC)

disaster [dI5zB:st[]灾难The American Red Cross said yesterday that its response to hurricanes Katrina and Rita has depleted its Disaster Relief Fund,forcing it to borrow$340million to cover costs -the first time in its 124-year history that thecharity has sought a loan for disaster relief(.NBC)

domestic and foreign policies 国内外政策

Embattled Syrian President Bashar Al Assad meanwhile will address the nation today to outline the foreign and domestic policies of Syria,which is under increasing pressure from the international community to cooperatewith the investigation into the killing of Hariri(.Gulf News)

ease [I:z]缓和、减轻ease tension 缓和紧张局势A fresh round of talks would ease diplomatic pressure on Iran,which has adopted a tougher stance on the nuclear issue since President MahmoudAhmadinejad took office in August(.Reuters)

President Bush and President Putin sought to ease tensions Sunday over Russia‘s rapid rise,grappling with disputes over trade,human rights and religious freedom and trying to emphasize common ground about NorthKorea’s nuclear ambitions(.ABC)

embargo [Im5bB:g[U]禁令、禁止贸易令、封港令African leaders backed an arms embargo and other immediate U.N.sanctions against Ivory Coast on Sunday,isolating President Laurent Gbagbo‘s hard-line government even further in its deadly confrontationwith its former colonial ruler,France(.NBC)

embassy [5emb[sI]大使馆

In Pakistan,a government spokesman said a Pakistan embassy officialwho was kidnapped in Iraq two weeks ago was freed Sunday(.NBC)

envoy [5envCi]外交使节、特使

A Russian envoy travels to Iran with a proposal aimed at resolving thedispute over its nuclear programme(.BBC)

establish [Is5tAblIF]建立establishment [Is5tAblIFm[nt]建立The first Christian satellite channel in Egypt,established by the Copticchurch,starts broadcasting(.BBC)

It calls for establishment of a Palestinian state,but only after preliminary stepsare taken,like elimination of violent Palestinian groups and a freeze onIsraeli settlement construction.Neither side has taken the initial steps inmore than two years since the plan was presented(.AP)

evidence [5evId[ns]证据“Assurances have been made for months that progress is being made,”said Levin.“We have not seen any evidence of it.”(CNN)expire [Iks5pai[]期满、终止expiration [9ekspi5reiF[n]期满、终止Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki announced the changes to parliament,saying“the missions of more than 40ambassadors and heads ofIranian diplomatic missions abroad will expire by the end of the year,”

which is March 20under the Iranian calendar(.CBS)

S&P 500futures were down 2.6points,below their fair value,a mathematical formula that evaluates their pricing by taking into accountinterest rates,dividends and time to expiration on the contract(.Reuters)

export v.[Iks5pC:t]n.[5ekspC:t]出口They plan to build a pipeline that would allow Venezuela,the world’s fifth oil producer,to export gas via Colombia‘s Pacific coast to export gasto Central America and Asia(.BBC)

The US and China may sign a textile trade deal this week after months ofargument over Chinese exports(.BBC)

flee [flI:]fled 逃跑、逃离flee the country 逃离国家flee the scene 逃离现场Eight Uzbek soldiers and three Islamic militants died in a clash near the Kyrgyz border Sunday and more than 500Uzbeks fled to safety across the frontier,witnesses said,in spreading violence that further threatened stability in this Central Asia country,a key American ally and host to animportant U.S.military outpost(.USA TODAY)

Authorities also reported arresting a number of Iraqis as security forces scrambled to capture anyone behind the attacks before they could flee the country.Police continued a broad security lockdown and authorities sentDNA samples to identify the attackers(.NBC)

A 14-year-old Pennsylvania girl saw her boyfriend kill her father,then fled the scene with the 18-year-old to “get as far away as possible,get married and start a new life,”prosecutors alleged in court papers filedMonday(.CNN)

foreign ministry [5fCrIn 5mInIstrI]外交部foreign minister 外交部长The Uzbek Foreign Ministry on Sunday denied that government forceshad opened fire on demonstrators(.USA TODAY)

Spain has promised closer checks on foreign planes making stopovers,Spain’s foreign minister has said there is no evidence that landings by USplanes on Spanish soil were illegal(.BBC)