
第12章 社会问题(5)

release [rI5lI???s]??????Two Russian citizens formerly held at the U.S.military prison at Guantanamo Bay???Cuba???have been released from custody after investigators found no evidence of their involvement in terrorism-relatedactivity???prosecutors said???.CNN???

restriction [rIs5trIkF[n]???????????????

Talks aimed at liberalising air services between the US and Europe resultin the lifting of restrictions on Atlantic flights???.BBC???

revolt???against???[rI5v[Ult]????????????????????????Parks???who died on Monday at home in Detroit at age 92???was remembered as a freedom fighter during a memorial service in the city where her quiet protest 50years ago led to a revolt against the segregationof whites and blacks???.ABC???

riot [5rai[t]???????????????

Police said 13people were jailed following rioting late Monday and earlyTuesday in Clichy-sous-Bois and three other suburbs???.AP???

French president Jacques Chirac warns of a???dangerous situation???aftersix nights of riots in suburbs in Paris???.BBC???

seek [sI???k]????????????????????????seek an end to ????????????The official U.S.policy is to seek a democratic transition in Cuba once the 79-year-old Castro is gone???rather than accept a regime-orchestratedsuccession???.CBS???

stability [st[5bIlItI]??????stable [5steibl]?????????Bush also will come face-to-face with a man his administration has criticized as a menace to hemispheric stability -Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez???a left-leaning populist who routinely denounces Bush as ???Mr.Danger???and refers to the United States as???the Empire.??????CNN???Meteorites change shape as they enter Earth???s atmosphere.An orientedmeteorite???which is rare???maintains a stable flight rather than tumbling.???NBC???

strike [straik]??????sitdown strike ????????????Workers at India???s state-run banks and insurance companies are to go onstrike???as are those at the country???s airports???.BBC???

Some 23???000Ecuadoran doctors began an open-ended national sit-down strike on July 3to demand higher wages and an increased budget for thepublic health sector???.Resource of Center of the America???

supervise [5sju???p[9vaiz]???????????????supervision [9sju???p[5vIV[n]???????????????They should have stopped it rather than videotaping it??????Rahr said.

Asked if she had failed to adequately supervise the detectives???she said??????


It was a judgment issue on the part of Detective Gulla???.NBC???

It said some coalition military intelligence officers estimated that ???between 70percent and 90percent of the persons deprived of their liberty in Iraq had been arrested by mistake.They also attributed the brutality ofsome arrests to the lack of proper supervision of battle group units???.AP???

surrender [s[5rend[]??????A top Islamic Jihad militant surrendered to Israeli soldiers early Thursday???witnesses said???after a daylong siege during which armybulldozers knocked down the four-story house where he was hiding???.NBC???

suspect [s[s5pekt]???????????????suspicion [s[s5pIF[n]???????????????Hussain Osman???suspected of trying to bomb a London Tube train on 21July???is to make his first UK court appearance???.BBC???

Guatemalan infiltrators held in Mexico on suspicion of drug ties hadreceived special forces training???officials say???.BBC???

suspend [s[s5pend]???????????????suspension [s[s5penF[n]??????????????????????????????The UN condemns attacks on aid workers in northern Uganda as Oxfamsuspends its operations there???.BBC???

The five-year suspension of Bill Clinton???s Arkansas law license in connection with the Monica Lewinsky affair ends this week???but an aide declined Tuesday to say whether the ex-president is seeking reinstatement.???NBC???