The tin soldier stood lighted up by the flames and felt a frightful heat???but whether it was the actual heat of the fire or the heat of his love he did not know???He looked at the little maid and she looked at him???and he felt in quite a melting mood???but still he stood steadfast and shouldered armRThen a d??????r???ened???the draught caught tlle daIlcing fluttered like a Sylph right into the stove to the tin soldier???flashed into aflame???and was gone???The tin soldier at the same time melted into a merelump of metal???and when the serving???maid next day raked the ashes outof the grate she found him in the shape of a little tin heart???Of the dancinggirl???all that remained was the spangle???and that was as black as a cinder???musket n?????????ribbon n??????????????????????????????spangle n????????????????????????
v?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????balance n?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
????????????????????????????????????????????????canary n????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????gutter n??????????????????????????????
v????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????channel n??????????????????????????????????????????????????????
Respect yourself???or no one else will respect you???