

With the happy birds" returning Comes the merry spring;September showers, and sweetest flowers, Other joys they bring.

Babbling brooks repeat the chorus That the glad birds sing;White the showers from trees in blossom; Bright and happy spring.

With a fragrant blush of roses Summer comes along;From the fields of golden treasure Sounds the reapers" song.

Over field and wood and meadow, What a merry throng!

Children seeking sweet wild berries Join the birds" glad song.

Winds are chill, and flowers are dying,

Birds forsake the nest;

Yet the autumn"s royal treasure Richest is, and best-Nuts and fruits and trees in splendour; Autumn time is blest;Now the year shall yield her bounties, Happy time of rest.

O"er the hills and woods and meadows, Pure and white the snow;Skates and sleds and joyous laughter, Happy faces glow;Sleigh bells sound a merry tinkling As the sledges go;What a jolly time is winter With its frost and snow!

Sowing, reaping, gathering harvests, Stormy blasts so drear;Spring, and summer, autumn, winter, Make the perfect year.

When, through bright or stormy weather, Hearts are full of cheer,Glad and happy is each season Of the golden year.

About the Author.-The name of the author is not known. Was it a man or was it a woman who wrote the story? What makes you think so?

About the Poem.-What are the things that the writer says come with spring? What come with summer? What kinds of berries are found then? What are the things that come with autumn? Is the stanza about winter a good picture of winter in Australia? Which season do you like best? Why? Now write a verse about your favourite season.