
第50章 Day after Day

A teacher was always so involved in the text being studied that he never looked up。He would call on a student for translation and explanation,and without realizing it,he often chose the same student day after day。Out of respect,the student wouldn’t point this out to him。

After being called on four days in a row,a student named Goldberg asked advice from his friends。The next day when the teacher said“Goldberg,translate and explain”Goldberg replied,“Goldberg is absent today。”

“All right”said the teacher。“You translate and explain。”






例:Giving advice at the right time has to involve a great deal of intelligence。在适当的时间提建议需要人的睿智。

call on拜访(某人);叫,号召;要求,请求

例:He called on his friends to help him。他向朋友求助。


例:At times he would be absent for a couple of days。他有时会离开几天。

day after day一天又一天,如:Day after day he asked for her help,but in vain。(他一天又一天地请求她的帮助,但终归徒然。)day after day和day by day;day in,day out;from day to day意义差不多,但它给人一种“时日悠久”的感觉。关于from day to day的一个例句,如:We get experience from day to day。(我们日日得到经验。)

词组get one’s duck in a row的字面意思是“把某人的鸭子排成一排”,其引申意义为“把事情安排妥当、使井井有条”。英文解释是“to complete one’s preparations,efficient and well organized;to organize things well”。如:You’d better get all your ducks in a row at work before you leave for Shanghai。(你出发去上海之前,最好把所有公事都安排妥当。)