
第3章 The Long and Short of It

Although I had never met him,I knew that my grandfather had been five feet six inches tall,while my stately grandmother stood five feet eleven inches。As a teenager leafing through old photographs with Grandma,I finally realized how unusual they must have looked together。

“Grandma”I asked,“how could you have fallen in love with a man five inches shorter than you?”

She turned to me。“Honey”she said,“we fell in love sitting down,and when I stood up,it was too late。”






例:She is stately in personage。她仪容端庄。


例:Several leaves had been torn out of the novel。这本小说已被撕掉了几页。

fall in love爱上某人

例:It is natural that he should fall in love with such a beautiful girl。他爱上那位美丽的姑娘是很自然的事。

The long and short of it。这个俗语的意思是“你把有关某一件事的基本事实和情况都说的很明白了,已经没有必要再说什么了。”举例来说吧。一个家庭里的几个孩子都想让爸爸买一辆新车。他们不断地去说服他们的爸爸,把他弄得烦死了。后来,他对孩子们说:No,we are not going to buy a new car right now。The old one still runs fine。Besides,the simple truth is we don’t have the money and that’s the long and short of it。(不,我们现在不买新车。那辆老车还挺好用。另外,事实上,我们没有钱去买新车。这就是基本的现实。)

honey直译是“蜂蜜”,如:Honey is sweet,but the bee stings。(蜜甜蜂蛰人。)引申义为“甜心,甜甜蜜蜜”,如honey moon就是“蜜月”的意思。现在人们都用honey来称呼自己的亲密爱人,或者是子女,意思是“亲爱的”。如:I love you,honey!(亲爱的,我爱你!)除此之外,外国人还用sweetheart,baby,darling来表达同样的意思,也就是“亲爱的”。honey也可意为“极出色的东西,出类拔萃的人”,如:That camera is a honey。(那架照相机真是顶呱呱。)