
第48章 李鸿章传·濮兰德(41)

And now, Yuen Fi, Lady of the Blessed Silk,I crave that thou wilt think of me in thy celestial sphere; that to the holy ones forgathered there, thou wilt but speak a kindly word and say that hereupon the sordid earth, which thou alone didst beautify, there lives a humble man of poor renown, who, in all the hours of all his days did strive and toil by sweat of faceand tire of brain to do thy bidding in the silken fields; who . . .

[Lines obliterated]

My prayer, O Heavenly One, O Goddess Rare, though I would speak to thee the wholenight through, in pain I do make brief; for well I know that in that High Beyond this voice of mine can hold no charm. But now again of thee I fain would ask: that in this hour of darkest night anewer blessing thou wilt give to all that work in arts of thine; bless them that harvest in the fields, bless thou the silkworms’ rounded home, bless them that toil at factory loom, bless them that mart thy precious weave, bless them that sail the far salt seas and take thy goods to foreign shore; bless them that on theirbodies fair - in Indies and the far beyond, the lands of Europe and the West, in every isle, in every clime, in cold and heat, in shine and rain, in mountain home and valley mild, in palace rich and humble cot, - where‘er, O Mighty Sun-Loved Queen, thy name is thought or heard or sung, send down thy blessings like the dew!











T would please me, gods, if you would spare Mine eyes from all this hungry stareThat fills the face and eyes of men Who search for food o’er hill and glen.

Their eyes are orbs of dullest fire,

As if the flame would mount up higher; But in the darkness of their glowWe know the fuel ‘s burning low.

Such looks, O gods, are not from thee ! No, they ’re the stares of misery !

They speak of hunger‘s frightful hold On lips a-dry and stomachs cold. Bread, bread!

they cry, these weary men,

With wives and children from the glen! O, they would toil the live-long day But for a meal, their lives to stay.

But where is it in all the land? Unless the gods with gen’rous handSend sweet some rice and strengthening corn To these vast crowds to hunger born!

For months the awful famine beast

Has roamed the lands both North and East, And smiled as he on landscape readThe gruesome figures of the dead. IN THE TIME OF FAMINE 87His black claws clutched the stalwart man, The very headmen of each clan,The elder sons and younger ones, Nor e‘en the baby’s cradle shuns. In all the fields along the road,In each and every mean abode, He stops to grin in hellish wayAt famished forms turned quick to clay. The greater are the awful pains,And if the tears do fall as rains,

This monster demon smiles the more While passing by each hungry door. He crosses now the bone-dry streams, And listens to the frantic screamsOf those who on the mountain high Are doomed this awful death to die. In valley and on sandy plainThe beast appears, again, again! In city and in village street,Where‘er you go, the beast you meet! A million now have bowed to him, This famine monster, black and grim ! O, gods, we ask, remove the brandOf this vile demon’s bony hand !










(Written by me from my Proud Heart) When I sit down and reflect,And let my mind and my soul tell me of things so true, I know that thou,Most glorious and sublime Shen Nung, Art the great helper of our people ; The wonderful provider of the world;The hope of them that have not mines, Nor great stores, nor forests of hardwood. But all our wealth comes from thee:

All the funds of our banks,

All the strength of the Government, All the force of our national progress, All the muscle of our people,The beauty of our women,

The hard sinews of the workers, The strong brain of the banker, The level head of the statesman, The shrewdness of the diplomat, The right arm of the Throne.

(There must always be good blood there.)We work in the fields: In the rice,

In the millet, In the corn,

In the poppy. (The poppy is wrong.) We work in the vegetables,In the grain,

And all that is good for man.

But ‘t is not for their sake alone,

’T is that by bringing them to fruition we raise A Nation,A People,

The Middle Kingdom! And when we do this

We are pleasing the Ancestors. Shen Nung,You did not teach us mean arts,