
第23章 Has Unbearable Chill In High Places(3)

Most people have more to work with than they realize.One noted physicist calls this unused excellencies and finding and releasing this potential in ourselves is one of the major challenges of modern life.The great danger is not that we shall overreach our capacities but that we shall undervalue and under-employ them,thus blighting our great possibilities.

The goal of life is not a problemless existence,which would be unbearably dull,but a way to handle problems creatively.That word “problem”may sound a little prickly,but it only means a question put forth for solution,and actually life consists of a series of problems-and-solutions,each different from the last.

Confidence is delight—delight in living,in being who you are,in what you do,in growing,in the endless and sometimes exasperating adventure of what it means to be human.The teacher who delights in teaching has no time for bogging down in a swamp of doubt that he or she is doing it“right”,and they are well aware that they can become a better teacher tomorrow,but only by doing their best today and enjoying today.So,too,the mother who delights in being a mother does not worry over-much about whether she fits the rules.She is not the mother,after all,of something material but of a living child.

Rules can often be a guide to successful living,but they are not a substitute for living.Rules never quite keep up with reality,because rules come from experience,not the other way around.Life happens,and it is infinitely inventive.It will always outrun and outmaneuver any attemptto bottle it up in a cut-and-dried system,for life is perpetual becoming.When life turns your wisest plans or best rules upside down,throw out the plans and bend with the circumstance.You will find powers you did not suspect,and possibilities undreamed of.

Confidence is not always winning,not always victory.Indeed,it is that very quality in humanity which refuses to stay defeated.A kind of stubborn cheerfulness.Remember there are two things you can do with mistakes,you can run away and you can grow.









Do Things For Himself 做真正的自己

Anonymous 佚名

As a little boy,there was nothing I liked better than Sunday afternoons at my grandfather’s farm in western Pennsylvania.Surrounded by miles of winding stonewalls,the house and barn provided endless hours of fun for a city kid like me.I was used to neat as a pin parlors that seemed to whisper,“Not to be touched!”

I can still remember one afternoon when I was eight years old.Since my first visit to the farm,I’d wanted more than anything to be allowed to climb the stonewalls surrounding the property.My parents would never approve.The walls were old;some stones were missing,others loose and crumbing.Still,my yearning to scramble across those walls grew so strong that finally,one spring afternoon,I summoned all my courage and entered the living room,where the adults had gathered after Sunday dinner.

“I,uh,I want to climb the stonewalls,”I said hesitantly.Everyonelooked up.“Can I climb the stone walls?”Instantly a chorus went up from the women in the room.“Heavens,no!”they cried in dismay,“You’ll hurt yourself!”I wasn’t too disappointed;the response was just as I’d expected.But before I could leave the room,I was stopped by my grandfather’s booming voice.“Now hold on just a minute,”I heard him say,“Let the boy climb the stone walls.He has to learn to do things for himself.”

“Scoot,”he said to me with a wink,“and come and see me when you get back.”For the next two and a half hours I climbed those old walls and had the time of my life.Later I met with my grandfather to tell him about my adventure.I’ll never forget what he said.“Fred,”he said,grinning,“you made this day a special day just by being yourself.Always remember,there’s only one person in this whole world like you,and I like you exactly as you are.”

Many years have passed since then,and today I host the television program Mister Roger’s Neighborhood,seen by millions of children throughout America.There have been changes over the years,but one thing remains the same:my message to children at the end of almost every visit.“There’s only one person in this whole world like you,”the kids can count on hearing me say,“And people can like you exactly as you are.”







Be Grateful To Life 感恩生活

Anonymous 佚名