
第21章 Has Unbearable Chill In High Places(1)


Pleasure 快乐

Anonymous 佚名

Pleasure is a freedom song,but it is not freedom.It is the blossoming of your desires,but it is not their fruit;it is a depth calling unto a height;but it is not the deep nor the high;it is the caged taking wing,but it is not space encompassed.Ay,in very truth,pleasure is a freedom song.And I fain would have you sing it with fullness of heart;yet I would not have you lose your hearts in the singing.

Some of your youth seek pleasure as if it was all,and they are judged and rebuked.I would not judge nor rebuke them.I would have them seek,for they shall find pleasure,but not her alone;seven are her sisters,and the least of them is more beautiful than pleasure.Have you not heard of the man who was digging in the earth for roots and found a treasure?

And some of your elders remember pleasures with regret like wrongs committed in drunkenness.But regret is the beclouding of the mind and not its chastisement.They should remember their pleasures with gratitude,as they would the harvest of a summer.Yet if it comforts them to regret,let them be comforted.

And there are among you those who are neither young to seek nor old to remember;and in their fear of seeking and remembering they shun all pleasures,lest they neglect the spirit is their pleasure.

But even in their foregoing is their pleasure.

And thus they too find a treasure though they dig for roots with quivering hands.

But tell me,who is he that can offend the spirit?

Shall the nightingale offend the stillness of the night,or the firefly the stars?And shall your flame or your smoke burden the wind?

The spirit is a still pool which you can trouble with a staff?Oftentimes in denying yourself pleasure you do but store the desire in the recesses of your being.

Who knows but that which seems omitted today,waits for tomorrow?Even your body knows its heritage and its rightful need and will not be deceived.

And your body is the harp of your soul,and it is yours to bring forth sweet music from it or confused sounds.

And now you ask in your heart,“How shall we distinguish that which is good in pleasure from that which is not good?”Go to your fields and your gardens and you shall learn that it is the pleasure of the bee to gather honey of the flower,but it is also the pleasure of the flower to yield its honey to the bee,for to the bee a flower is a fountain of life,and to the flower a bee is a messenger of love,and to both,bee and flower,the giving and the receiving of pleasure is a need and an ecstasy.

People of Orphalese,be in your pleasures like the flowers and the bees.










Never Stop Dreaming 永不弃梦

Anonymous 佚名

Leave the excess baggage of yesterday’s mistakes and dare to enter into all the tomorrow.Leave yesterday to history and resolve to begin fresh each new day daring to make dreams become a reality.

Dreams cannot be bought,sold,nor traded.Dreams are the part of us that no one else can claim right to posses.Dreams are what keep life full of passion and vitality!

Do not allow others to define who we are or what our desires may be.When we allow others to define our boundaries,we become the limits others have imposed upon us.Our dreams are our own and belong to no one else.

Never admit defeat to a wasted life by forsaking your dreams!

Life is sweetened by friendships we encounter along the highways that journey into our dreams.

Dreams are complex and take years to accomplish,while holdingonto the simplicity of a very young child.

Do not allow life and the demands of making a living force you to put dreams on hold.

Not just the successfully rich and famous have a right to their dreams.Chase after them as the wind!

The very fact that you are reading these words at this moment is the accomplishment of a dream come true.Since early childhood,I had a dream to write for others to read what I have written,whether it is poetry or simple stories and ideas.I have not dreamed of fortune of fame,but only to be able to write in a manner that others can read and possibly make a difference in their lives.

People have a need to read,I have a need to create with words same as a musician creates music with instruments,or an artist paints his imaginations before our eyes.

Please keep dreaming and never give up on yourself !









I Will Persist Until I Succeed 我要坚持到成功

Anonymous 佚名

In the Orient young bulls are tested for the fight arena in a certain manner.Each is brought to the ring and allowed to attack a picador who pricks them with a lance.