
第17章 Two Lost Souls 两个失落的灵魂

By Shelly Guidotti

“Did you hear that?”the old dog shouted。

They all ran to the front of their kennel doors to see if someone was coming to“pick them。”

“Sorry。”he said to the other dogs as his ears fell down from their perked position。“I could have sworn I heard voices saying,‘Isn't he cute?It's Christmas,can't we take him home with us?’”

“You must have been dreaming again,old man。”said the dog in the cage next to him。

“Anyway,what's the big deal about getting picked up as a Christmas gift。We've all been through that routine and look where it got us。”

The word“home”meant little to these shelter dogs。

“Just once,I'd like to feel the warmth of a hand stroking my head。”said the old dog,“I'd like to be the one who kisses the tears off a sad face。I'd like to curl up next to a fire instead of this cold concrete。It hurts my bones。”

He curled up and sighed as the others said,“The only place you're going to find that is in your dreams,old man。”

Hank's wife had only been gone a year but the pain was as fresh as if time had stood still。

He was an old man now,alone and longed for the comfort that he knew no other person would ever be able to give to him again。What would his life become without her by his side?

Hank's cupboards were close to bare now and,although he didn't want to go out,he knew he should at least pick up the basics。He drove slowly down the side streets,for freeway driving had become too challenging。

Suddenly,the car started chugging and sputtering until finally the engine quit altogether。One of the basic needs he had forgotten was fuel for the car!So he coasted over next to the curb,spotting a building within walking distance。Hopefully,they'd let him use their phone。

He walked into an office area and rang the bell for service but no one came。He spotted another door going outside,failing to notice the sign posted“Employees Only”。

As Hank walked out,he was overwhelmed by yaps,barks and insane jumping from dogs all sizes and shapes。He then realized he had unintentionally gone to the dog shelter。

Slowly he walked down the concrete aisle looking for an attendant。

Three kennels down on the right,the old dog calmly sat there。Why should the old dog get excited?No one would want him。But,he sensed a need and couldn't resist offering a kind look and a gentle wag of the tail。

As Hank neared the old dog's cage,he laced his fingers through the chain link to steady his gait and the first feeling of comfort he'd remembered in over a year came from a wet nose and lick across his arthritic fingers。

Just then a voice of authority sounded,and Hank jumped。

“I'm sorry sir,you aren't supposed to be in this area!”she said。Luckily Hank didn't know he had walked into the“Final Area”where unclaimed dogs were scheduled to be put down。

There went the nudge and lick thing again。Hank looked down to the most pleading eyes he'd ever seen。

Ignoring the attendant's order to leave,Hank asked if he could see the dog closer。Her demeanor changed completely and her sternness melted away。She had forced herself to be this way so she could do the part of her job she despised。

She brought the old dog out and instantly the two souls-once so lost-found reason to hope。

Hank's cupboards were now filled,a warm fire crackled and the old dog smiled inside as he remembered“only in your dreams。”Closing his eyes he felt Hank's hand stroking his head whispering“sleep in heavenly peace”。

It was Christmas after all。

























New Words

chug vi。发出轧轧声;发出嘎嚓声;发出轧轧声前进n。(美)轧轧声

sputter v。发出爆裂声,发出劈劈啪啪的声响:

例句:A whole goat is sputtering over the fire。一整只被烤的山羊在火上劈啪作响

curb n。抑制;勒马绳;路边vt。勒住;控制

yap v。(狗)狂吠:

例句:Her little dog yaps away all day while she's out。她那小狗在她不在的时候整天叫。

nudge n。用肘轻推;推动;没完没了抱怨的人

demeanor n。行为;举止;风度



est Yourself


1.quit it

2.quit love with hate

3.quit one's nonsense

4.quit the scene




例句:You should never quit love with hate。


例句:You must quit your nonsense in the meeting。
