
第4章 Sorrows of the Millionaire

George Bernard Shaw




The millionaire class,a small but growing one into which any of us may be flung tomorrow by the accidents of commerce,is perhaps the most neglected in the community。As far as I know,this is the first tract that has ever been written for millionaires。

In the advertisements of the manufacturers of the country,I find that everything is produced for the million and nothing for the millionaire。Children,boys,youth,“gents”,ladies,artisans,professional men,even peers,and kings,are catered for;but the millionaire’s custom is evidently not worth having;there are too few of him。Whilst the poorest have their Rag Fair,a duly1organized and busy market in Houndsditch,where you can buy a boot for a penny,you may search the world in vain for the market where the £50boot,the special dear line of hats at forty guineas,the cloth of gold bicycling suit,and the Cleopatra claret,four pearls to the bottle,can be purchased wholesale。

Thus the unfortunate millionaire has the responsibility of prodigious2wealth without the possibility of enjoying himself more than any ordinary rich man。Indeed,in many things he cannot enjoy himself more than many poor men do,nor even so much;for a drum major is better dressed;a trainer’s stable lad often rides a better horse;the first-class carriage is shared by office boys taking their young ladies out for the evening;everybody who goes down to Brighton for Sunday rides in the Pullman car;and of what use is it to be able to pay for a peacock’s brain sandwich when there is nothing to be had but ham or beef?

The injustice of this state of things has not been sufficiently considered。A man with an income of £25a year can multiply his comfort beyond all calculation by doubling his income。A man with £50a year can at least quadruple3his comfort by doubling his income。Probably up to even £250a year doubled income means doubled comfort。After that the increment4of comfort grows less in proportion to the increment of income until a point is reached at which the victim is satiated5and even surfeited with everything that money can procure6.

To expect him to enjoy another hundred thousand pounds because men like money,is exactly as if you were to expect a confectioner’s7shop-boy to enjoy two hours more work a day because boys are fond of sweets。What can the wretched8millionaire do that needs a million?Does he want a fleet of yachts,a Rotten Row full of carriages,an army of servants,a whole city of town houses,or a continent for a game preserve?Can he attend more than one theatre in one evening,or wear more than one suit at a time,or digest more meals than his butler?Is it a luxury to have more money to take care of,more begging letters to read,and to be cut off from those delicious Alnaschar dreams in which the poor man,sitting down to consider what he will do in the always possible event of some unknown relative leaving him a fortune,forgets his privation。

And yet there is no sympathy for this hidden sorrow of Plutocracy。The poor alone are pitied。Societies spring up in all directions to relieve all sorts of comparatively happy people,from discharged prisoners in the first rapture of their regained liberty to children revelling in the luxury of an unlimited appetite;but no hand is stretched out to the millionaire,except to beg。In all our dealing with him lies implicit the delusion that he has nothing to complain of,and that he ought to be ashamed of rolling in wealth whilst others are starving。











1.duly adj。 按期的,适当的

2.prodigious adj。 巨大的,惊人的

3.quadruple adj。 四倍的

4.increment n。 增加,增长

5.satiated adj。 满足的,饱满的

6.procure v。 取得,获得

7.confectioner n。 糖果店

8.wretched adj。 可怜的,悲惨的

9.plutocracy n。 富豪


Culture Background

1.骑马道(Rotten Row)

Rotten Row(骑马道)是英国伦敦海德公园的一个景点。该公园是国王亨利八世于1536年创建的一个猎场,在那里他可以招待来访贵宾。在17世纪,国王查尔斯建立了供王室随从的马车游行炫耀的一个叫圆圈的轨道。当威廉和玛丽在1689年成为国王和王后,他们创造了一个从海德公园到肯辛顿宫游行的路线。此路被称为“Route de Roi”即有名的骑马道(Rotten Row)。



3.乔治·伯纳德·肖(George Bernard Shaw)

乔治·伯纳德·肖,爱尔兰剧作家,1925年因为作品具有理想主义和人道主义而获诺贝尔文学奖,其喜剧作品《卖花女》(Pygmalion)因被好莱坞改编为卖座电影《窈窕淑女》(My Fair Lady)而家喻户晓。他的《贝多芬百年祭》已经选入高中课改教材。


1.To expect him to enjoy another hundred thousand pounds because men like money,is exactly as if you were to expect a confectioner’s7shop-boy to enjoy two hours more work a day because boys are fond of sweets。


2.After that the increment4of comfort grows less in proportion to the increment of income until a point is reached at which the victim is satiated5and even surfeited with everything that money can procure6.
