
第46章 I Am a Nerd

I am a nerd,a big one。There are nerds that can hack into online grade books,nerds that speak Elvish and Klingon,and of course the archetypal nerds that wear pocket protectors and always manage to bump into things。I am the most organic form of a nerd,one that is simply fascinated by knowledge。

For example,watching the Discovery channel often triggers me to go through phases of frenetic researching of random topics,like the life cycle of slim molds or the traveling head of Oliver Cromwell。The librarian offered me a summer job because I visit the library so often。When I open a can of soda,I cannot stop myself from picturing molecules of carbon dioxide happily rising out of the sugar solution due to a decrease in pressure。“Um,I wonder,if I drink soda,will my stomach lining absorb the carbon dioxide?That could decrease my blood pH……”Sorry,nerds tend get side-tracked。For instance,last year during spring break,deciding to have a blissful day in downtown Milwaukee,I called up my friends,and after much consideration,we went to the public museum。While other visitors“oohed”and“ahhed”at one exhibit,we had a delightful debate about whether the physical or the cultural adaptations had more contributions in the evolution of hominids。

I am a nerd,but I’m not the kind that is only about books。Much knowledge comes in the form of experiences。That is why I’m never afraid to try new things like the psychotic sport of Cross Country,or starting a senior portrait photography business。Many things must be learned by doing。Knowledge is also enclosed in people。That is why I have not gone to the dark side of hermit nerds。People have knowledge that can’t be transcribed on paper。Through conversations with friends,my great-grandfather,teachers,and even the random guy at the bus stop,I have learned。Everything I do centers around learning because knowledge is the spark in my life。Since I am a nerd,college is not just the logical choice after high school。For me,college is new people,fresh experiences,learning in bulk,and thirst for knowledge fulfilled,just happens to have the right combination of traits to satisfy the great appetite of a big nerd。



