
第5章 曲解

What kind of house weighs the least?

A lighthouse (灯塔).

(light n.灯光;adj.轻的。)

Which fish is the saddest?

The blue whale.

(此谜中的blue意思是“忧郁的”。blue whale蓝鲸。)

What is one of the saddest birds in the world?

A bluebird.


What kind of star is not seen in the sky?

A film star(电影明星).

What fish is the most valuable?


Where does a whale sleep?

On the sea bed.

(鲸(whale)生活在海(sea)里,谜底把sea bed曲解为“海里的床”。sea bed海底,海床。)

How do you cut the ocean in half?

With a seasaw.


Where do frogs keep their money?

In the river bank.

(river bank的意思是“河岸”,谜底把它曲解为“河流银行”。)

What year do frogs like the best?

Leap year.

(leap year的意思是“闰年”,leap单独有“跳跃”的意思,谜中把它曲解为“跳跃的年”。)

Why do wallets make so much noise?

Because money talks.

(money talks意思是“金钱万能”,按字面理解就是“钱说话”。wallet n.皮夹子。)

What sort of nail do you find in shoes?


(nail n.钉子 toenail n.脚指甲。)

What part of your body is the most musical?


(drum n.鼓;eardrums n.耳鼓。)

What band can t play music?

A rubber band.

(band n.乐队,带子;rubber band橡皮筋。)

What dog does not bark no matter what you do to him?

A hot dog(热狗).How do you join the army?

Tie the soldiers together.

(join the army的意思是“参军”,如果把join理解为“连接”,那么只能把士兵捆在一起了(tie the soldiers together)。)

How do oceans cook?

In microwave oven.

(烹调用微波炉(microwave oven),谜中将它曲解为“海洋的微波”。)

What sea adds a nice flavour to food?


(flavour n.味;seasoning n.调味品,佐料。)

What kind of pool is no good for swimming?

A car pool.

(car pool意思是“合伙用车”,按字面理解为“车池”。pool n.水池,集在一起共同使用的钱、物、人工等。)

What ring is square?

A boxing ring.

(ring的意思是“圆圈,指环”,boxing ring却是指拳击比赛场地。)

What nail should you never hit with a hammer?

Your fingernail.

(nail n.钉子;fingernail n.指甲。)

What kind of phone makes music?

A saxophone.

(saxophone n.萨克斯管。)

As an astronaut,what qualities do you look for in afriend?

He should be down to earth.

(quality n.品质 down to earth认真的,现实的。按字面可理解为“回到地球”。)

Why did the sheriff put the star in jail?

It was a shooting star.

(sheriff n.县司法长官。jail n.监狱:put sb.in jail将某人投入监狱。)

What kind of bath can you take in outer space?

A sun bath.

(take a sun bath晒日光浴。)

What does a Martian take when he is dirty?

A meteor shower.

(Martian n.火星人。meteor n.流星:a meteor shower流星雨;take a shower淋浴。)

What do you call a D and F on your report card?

Double trouble.

(report card成绩报告单。D为“不及格”,即fail(失败)。)

What are the best letters to read in hot weather?

Fan mail.

(fan n.扇子;(电影、运动等的)狂热爱好者。mail n.邮件:fan mail来自影(球)迷的邮件,又可望文生义地作“扇子邮件”解。)

Why did the cop run across the baseball field?

Someone stole the second base.

(cop n.警察。 base n.(棒球)垒:the second base第二垒。偷垒:投手投球时跑垒运动员已到达下一垒,谓之“偷垒”,一般第二垒比较容易偷。)

Why are elephants so smart?

Because they have lots of gray matter.

(gray matter灰白质,智力;按字面也可理解为“灰色物质”。)

How do you know when birds haven t had enough sleep?

When you can see rings around their eyes.


Why isn t it safe to tell a secret in a garden?

Because the corns have ears and the beanstalk.

(ear可作“耳朵”或“穗”解。beanstalk n.豆茎;该词可拆为beans talk (豆子会说话的)。)

What flower does every new mother want to listen to?

Baby s breath.

(breath n.呼吸。baby s breath满天星。)

Why is the comet like Micky Mouse?

It s a star with a tail.

(comet n.慧星;Micky 米老鼠;tail n.(动物的)尾巴;慧(星)尾。)What s the largest room in the world?

The room for improvement.

(room n.房间;空间,余地。)

If a cabbage and a carrot raced,which one would win?

The cabbage,because it s always ahead.

(cabbage n.卷心菜;carrot n.胡萝卜;a head of cabbage 一颗卷心菜。)

What animal eats with its tail?

All animals do.No one takes off its tail while eating.

(with prep.用……做事;带着,有……)

How many legs do horses have?

Six legs—forelegs in front and two in back.

(forelegs n.前腿,音似four legs(四条腿)。)

What will you break once you say it?


(break the silence打破沉默。)

Why is an argument like a pen?

No good without a point.

(argument n.论据,说理。)

What time is it when a man is chased by ten dogs?

It s ten after one.

What kind of shoes are made of banana skins?


(slipper n.拖鞋;slip v.滑,跌交。)

Why shouldn t you lose your temper?

No one else wants it.

What makes the Tower of Pisa lean?

It never eats.

(lean v.倾斜;adj.瘦的。)

What book has the most stirring chapters?

A cook book.

(stirring adj.动人的;stir v.搅和,搅拌。)

What s the difference between the North Pole and the South Pole?

The whole world.

(A world of difference天壤之别。)

What made the little strawberry worried?

It s afraid to be in a jam.

(jam n.果酱;塞车。)

What surprising things happen everywhere every day?

Day breaks without falling;night falls without breaking.

(fall v.摔下来,跌下来;降临。)

What s the best way to prevent infection caused by biting insects?

Dont bite any.

(biting insecits咬人的昆虫(biting用来修饰insects);咬昆虫(biting的宾语为insects) infection n.感染。)

What s the easiest way to catch a fish?

Have someone throw it to you.

What sense do you lose when you re sick?

Your sense of touch,for you don t feel well.

(feel well身体好;触觉良好。)

Will it rain for several days continuously?

Never,because there re nights in between.

(day n.一天;一个白昼;continuously adv.连续不断地。)

Can you tell me when was the Iron Age?

Before the dripdry era.

(iron n.铁器,铁;熨斗 drip v.滴水 dripdry adj.(指衣服)滴干免熨的。)

Is a hen who seldom lay eggs a good layer?

Yes,as long as it doesn t lay bad eggs.

Which can move faster,heat or cold?

Heat,because you can catch cold.

(cold n.冷;感冒。 catch cold追上冷;患感冒。)

Who makes a million dollars a day?

People who work in a mint.

(mint n.造币厂。)What comes before six?

The milkman.

Why do you think 10points are no less than 100 points?

Because the difference between them is just nothing.

Who will be your real friend,a poor friend or a rich one?

A poor friend,because a friend in need is a friend indeed.

(a friend in need患难之交。)

Why don t you buy a vacuum cleaner?

I don t have any vacuum to clean.

(vacuum n.真空。)

Why can a bride hide nothing?

Because some one will give her away.


Why is mother so tired?

She makes beds ever day.

(make beds真正的意思是:铺床。)